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Show uu NEW ORLEANS AND OGDEN. "What do you think of the commission commis-sion form of government in Ogden, after a four-year test?" The question was put to us by an eastern man. Our reply was to the effect that a commission form of government which doeB not provide the referendum referen-dum and recall will prove weak or strong just to the degree that the men making up the commission are capable or Incapable Down in New Orleans they have a commission similar to the city governing govern-ing body in Ogden. The Louisiana city has obtained excellent results and every body praises the commis- sioncrs. But tho commissioners In Now Orleans are very strong men. They ovorlastingly are battling for the best Interests of the people. For Instance, F. J. Haskln, In one of his weekly letters gives us an illustration of how tho commissioners brought the big, powerful light monopoly to an accounting: "While digging sewers and paving streets with ono hand, tho commission wasn't so busy but It could take a good, stiff jolt at tho electric light company with the other. One of its members took a few days off. examined examin-ed the schedule of light rates and decided de-cided it was too high, both for public pub-lic lighting and private consumption The rate to private Individuals was 12 cents per kilowatt hour, scaled down to six If a certain amount of power was used. The commission opined the rates ought to be about cut In two. The company laughed at the absurd idea and the commission, throuch the newsnaners told tho noo- plo of the city about It. Then the company took the suggestion seriously serious-ly and proposed a compromise, which was refused. By this time the public got really Interested nnd when the company acted as if It would bo stubborn, stub-born, the commission delivered an ultimatum: ulti-matum: "Adopt the schedule of rates which we demand or we'll build and operate a public plant" "The company sweat blood till the 11th hour and then capitulated, accepting ac-cepting exceedingly reasonable rates By this one service, the commission saved the city $52,000 a year and the people who use electricity $320,000 a year." This instance supports our contention conten-tion as to the need of courageous, public pub-lic spirited men with backbone as commissioners, If the commission form of government Is to Improve on the old system of divided responsibility respon-sibility In which a mayor and council held sway. Where the commissioners commission-ers aro of the make up or the New i Orleans officials, excellent results will I be obtained, but where weakness is manifested, the commission form of i government will prove disappointing |