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Show Mr OO 1 Read tho Classified Ads. p , Read tho Classified- Ads. .: - i ' IF YOU WERE BUYING : STRAWBERRIES ' '' you would look them over carefully. i You should be just as particular about your I COAL 36 !f The coal we send vou bears-inspection li OGDEN SEWER PIPE & i CLAY CO. M . i W. B. PORTDRFIELD P Phono 141. Mgr. Si " 00 Read tho Classified Ads. NEW BRIGHAM HOTEL One block from depot, 24th and Wall. Rates 75c and up; reduced for permanent guests. Strictly modern and only fireproof In city. THEO. GORIE, Prop. Read the Classified Ad. 00 Read the Classified Ads, Reai ihe ' laasirtpd Ads. Read the Classified AdB. Today at The Ogden H A SCENE FROM "MADAM X" (PATHE), H "MADAM X" I DOROTHY DONNELLY. AND ORIGINAL COMPANY H PRODUCED BY HENRY W. SAVAGE AT A COST OF OVER ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS SIX ACTS OF GRiPPING ACTING. THE OGDEN THEATRE I From 2 until 11. 5c and 1 Oc. H PROMONTORY MINES If you arc Interested In the i H new mining district on the H Promontory and would like to Investigate a chance to get right into zinc mining actual j H mining while the price of H zinc Is at the highest point ;H ever known and still going H up, then give us an opportu. H nlty to explain to you the con- fH dltlons on our property, lo- j H cated on the same ledge with ,M and not over 100 yards from, '!H a shipping mine. This is not ' a mere prospect It is proven 'Jl ground. We need money to fjH buy tools, powder, mine rails M and cars, to build ore chute : H and bin, wagon road and quar- IH ters for the men and to meet H the payroll. Wc expect to be j IH able to ship ore in 30 days. iH Our stock is selling at 5 cents jH a share. To those who buy jH now we will give the option jH to double their purchase at H the same price in 30 days. !H When this first block of stock !H is placed, the price will ba ;H advanced. Call and see the IH ore at our office In the base 'IH ment of the Utah National H Bank building or call up over JM phone 913 or phone 1362-W .M and one of our directors will jH call to see you, llH O. A. KENNEDY, Secretary. JH Advertlsoniont, lM . oo v. ,H Read the Classified -Ads. M |