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Show HOLLAND AMERICA SHIP IN TROUBLE London Reports the Holland-American Holland-American Steamship Ryndam Ryn-dam Down by Bows Off Southend. PASSENGERS ARE SAFE Three Stokers Killed and Four Injured Ship Proceeding Under Own Steam. London, Jan. 18, 6:12 p. m. The steamer Ryndam has arrived at Gravesend. The passengers who did not land at Falmouth will remain on beard in accordance with official Instructions. In-structions. None of them were injured. in-jured. London. Jan. 18.- The trans-Atlantic liner Ryndam passed Southend today to-day down by the bows with a list to starboard. All her passengers are safe. Three stokers were killed and four injured. The Ryndam is proceeding to Grave-send Grave-send under her own steam. The nature of the accident has not been learned. The Ryndam sailed from New York on January 5 for Falmouth and Rotterdam. Rot-terdam. She passed the Lizard January Jan-uary 14 but her arrival at Falmouth had not been reported although ordinarily ordi-narily she would have reached Falmouth Fal-mouth the day after being reported off the Lizard. Ihe Ryjidnm belongs to the Holland-America line and has been in service for a number of years between be-tween New York and Rotterdam. She is 560 feet long, of 22,070 tons dis-l dis-l placement and has accommodations for 2936 passengers. The accident to the Ryndam must have occurred in the English channel a,s the steamcr.evidently passed around the southern end of England in the interval since January 14. Gravesend is twenty miles below London. No Word From Officials. New York, Jan. IS. Officials of the Holland-America line here had received no word here today other than the news dispatches of an accident acci-dent to the Ryndam. The vessel sailed fiom here on January 5 with 101 passengers. pas-sengers. She has a crew of 225 and a miscellaneous Cargo. |