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Show WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A lew friends and relatives o' .Mr. and Mrs. William A Eiarrop delightfully delight-fully surprised that couple Saturday evening, the occasion being their fifteenth fif-teenth wedding anniversary. card games wore played during the evening and luncheon was served at 12 o'clock Those present were Mr and Mrs James Harrop, Mrs. Anna M iverson, Mr. I'. L. Rose. Mr. and Mrs. A ES liell, Mr. and Mrs. j. l. Whlttaker Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. T. c Iverson. Mrs. Jack Green-well, Green-well, Miss Lavon GreenwelK Miss Cleone Harrop, Masters Wayne ai Dale Iverson. DawTonce Whittakor, and Vern Harrop. to the club members at their noxt meetinp, Monday. December 18, at her home on Adams avenue. ELECT OFFICERS. The Royal Highlanders held their installation ceremonies in the Odd Fellows' hall last Friday evening, at which time a full staff of officers were installed. After a musical program pro-gram a well prepared luncheon was served to fifty members at the Green-well Green-well cafe. PIONEER PARTY. The Relief Society of Marriott ward will give a pioneer party Friday, January Jan-uary 15, at Marriott to which the public in general are Invited. Good music and refreshments -will be afforded. af-forded. MISSION SOCIETY. The Ladies' Mission society of the First Baptist church will meet Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Conner, 2215 Lincoln Lin-coln avenue. Mrs Fitzgerald, leader. A full attendance is desired. oo |