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Show Did It Ever Occur to You That Bingham is looking livelier live-lier every day and down in our neck of the woods with so much building improvements we feel elated. That it looked like old times up in Highland Boy this week. That it is said you can't overdo over-do a good thing but according to reports we are going to have some picture shows here. That some people have not yet seen Dr. Inglesby's new stages but they are willing to take a , ride in one of them. That the big drum can drown the band, but its the real instrumentalist in-strumentalist who leads it. That its a good thing for a man to keep his courage up and his temper down. have Jack tell you how it was caught. That Bingham will have a new fire pump in the near future. That a baseball player can knock flies, but the poor on-look-er has to swat them. That crossing a street in Bingham Bing-ham sometimes makes a man for get his rheumatism. That the Radio is as bad as the toothache for keeping its victims up late at night but there is a cure for toothache. That we should ever be thankful thank-ful that Salt Lake County has a fire fighting equipment, that is capable of handling a Bingham fire. That even if a man does pass by with his auto he may be behind be-hind with his payments. That the Salt Lake papers may have correspondents, but Thursday reporters from all the Salt Lake dailies consulted the "Bingham News" for authentic reports of the fire. That our Volunter Fire Fighters Fight-ers are always on the job, all they need is water pressure, and they can fight any fire. Tli at there has been all kinds of typewriter salesmen in our camp lately and they are each one looking for the money. If you are not familiar with your goods, don't buy. That its easy sometimes to pass a law, but the trouble is it takes brains o make people to follow it. That Salt Lake's youthful mayor for one day stated he would not like to be in politics at all. Which shows that there are some devoted, consecrated youths whose chief desires are for human up-lift. That one of the best companions compan-ions a man can take auto riding rid-ing with him is Caution. That a great many people "bluff" their way thru life. That any nation who disregards disre-gards God and Morality cannot can-not survive. That the President of the United Uni-ted States Steel Corporation advises ad-vises the people of this country to "keep their feet on the ground," and not to "lose their heads." That the blond is always dated up for every dance. That actions may speak louder loud-er than words but women still continue to talk. That a sneak sometimes turns the feminine head in the wrong direction. That Nicholas Murray Butler, President of Columbia University Univer-sity awarded Edna Ferber, for her novel "So Big," the Pulitzer Pulit-zer $1,000 prize. Now is the time for you to subscribe and to read this story which is appearing appear-ing in this weekly. That Mark Jones works inde-fatigably inde-fatigably for the amusement oi the members of the II. C. Gem-mell Gem-mell Memorial Club. That many use the "Push" instead in-stead of the "Pull" System on leaving the Bingham post office. The narrowness of the side-walk prevents the door from opening outwards. That the Wells Groceteria ad-.vise ad-.vise their many patrons they invite in-vite competition that is legitimate. legiti-mate. That they carry home the goods you buy of them, and can compete with any Salt Lake firm. That the English footballers are the pride of the camp irrespective irres-pective of what some people write. That her many friends are hoping the operation has in noways no-ways hurt the tone of that sweet voice. That Dr.. Oskar Cohen, former form-er minister of justice in Germany who recently arrived in this country said "Hinden-burg's "Hinden-burg's election is a calamity for the whole of Europe, it will mean an absolute change in the international inter-national political situation. He is the symbol of Kaiserism and reaction and the whole fragile fabric of good that has been put together with so much pain and care wil be destroyed." . That if you want to see a real trout, look in the window of thei Clift Club at 24 West Broadway,! Salt Lake City. Then go in and j |