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Show Nouo of Squeaky Brake , May Be Remedied Easily When a brake squeaks It ahowa that It la not doing lta work efficiently, aa correct braking operatlona consist f a smooth gripping action without squeaks or chatter. Chatter la cauaed by an alternative gripping and releas-lng releas-lng of t-e banda on the drums. Thla la caused partly by the design of the bands and partly by the method of fastening the linings. As the banda are open on one aide, they cannot conform con-form to the shape of the druma unless they are of the right shape. If, when the pedal la pressed, the banda start to wrap from the bottom and continue upward on both aides, the chances of chatter are not so great. But If the bands take hold first at the top, the alack on both sides must be taken up first before they will He flat on the drums, producing chatter. chat-ter. If the banda are bent or kinked when the linings are attached, they will not grip the drums evenly, producing pro-ducing chatter and uneven wear. Squeaks are caused by the linings becoming bard and glazed, due to the friction and the application of pressure pres-sure which presses the grit Into the linings. Roughing the surface of the linings with a saw blade or coarse file will usually remedy the trouble, says Automotive Digest Probably an easier eas-ier way la to apply a mixture of castor oil and powdered resin to the linings. The former acta aa a softener, while I the latter Increase the frictlonal resistance. |