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Show MRS. URQUHART GETS REWARD Mrs. Urquhart of Omaha wants every bousewlfe to share her good fortune in possessing a handsome reward. Here Is what she says: "This Is the way I did It. I answered an ad by writing for a free 10c bottle of Liquid Veneer and I found It so wonderful for dusting and polishing that I told fifteen of my friends about it nnd the makers sent me entirely free and postpaid, a great big, beautiful $2.00 Liquid Veneer Pollsh-ng Pollsh-ng Mop." Then Mrs. Urquhnrt goes on to say: "I am very proud nnd pleased with the reward given for what I have done, so will take great pleasure In showing It to friends." Twenty thousand of these- $2.00 Mops are going to be given awny to housewives. Write for a free 10c bottle and ask for descriptive circular 15 telling how easily yon, too, may have one of these mops. Address Llqtild Veneer Company, Dept L, Bnffalo, N. T. Adv. |