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Show Razed by $250,000 Fire 8 On February 10th of this year a fire started in the Tivoli Room I ing House, altho there was a I large number of the fire-fight- I ers of the camp at that time at- I tending a basket-ball game, thru their efficiency the building was saved. Thursday morning, i - a fire alarm was turned in about ' eight o'clock and altho the fire f i truck, No. 1, was just a few sec- I onds responding to the call, the f flames were issuing from every I side of the Tivoli Rooming I House. Upon the arrival of the I volunteer firemen, they at once , connected their hoses with the N water mains but with only sixty f pound pressure, little could be accomplished. The flames con-J con-J . tinued to spread and before the V onlookers could realize the fact, v .the Belmont Rooming House, consisting of twenty rooms and owned by Jim Vietti was a mass i of flames, most of the roomers were at work and lost everything 1 they possessed. At the back of shop with seven rooms and a fifteen room apartment in the rear with two rooms in each. The Standish copper precipitating plant, Eight garages and two room house owned by Jerry Chinico. Much credit must be given the efficient work of both the volunteer vol-unteer companies but were handicapped hand-icapped without sufficient pressure press-ure of water. Albert Marriott, of the County fire fighters is an old Binghamite and knew extot-rrrrr extot-rrrrr rooms ......kopu lil li dililnn ly how to go at the business, he with his men and their equipment equip-ment was capable in every respect res-pect and was the means of check ing the flames from continuing their course down the canyon. It is with regret we report that Carl Carlson, Bingham's Fire Chief sustained severe burns a-round a-round his head and hands and is now a patient at the Bingham Hospital as the result. D. E. Stoddard, a machinist of the i . . this building, Jim Vietti owned J twelve houses, each containing J three rooms,, which' occupied J part of the sidehill from the 1 Main Street to the homes of the i Utah Copper officials on the top 4 of the hill, were burned to the ground in a few minutes," all of 4 . .the buildings being of wood. The $ Michigan Candy Store, operated 4 by Angelo Bianco and the Mioh-igan Mioh-igan Grocery, with their stock I was ft total loss. The Grocery was operated by Mrs. John Vie- s tti. This property is in charge of s the. Bankers Trust Co., of Salt ,.,-. . Lake. Continuing its-fierycours up the canyon the Europe Pool r Hall and rooming house with X- twelve rooms soon became another an-other inferno. From there, the flames spread across the canyon to the home of Angelo Bianco, -.'. ' -ipi-ft 10 joeudoad oin oers , , igah Pool Hall. This building is 'i owned by Si. Jones- of thePolice ii .. Department, fcScluijng the hftne V' of J. H. Carter, which vjai ajso V- destroyed and most ofYpet- .... sonal belongings, (MfToarter Utah Copper Co., was taken to a Salt Lake hospital sufferinf from what is believed a fractured fractur-ed skull as the result of an explosion ex-plosion at the back of the Mus-sili Mus-sili apartments. Altho men that should be in a position to know only estimate the loss at $75,-000, $75,-000, from reports gathered, we would estimate the property and personal losses at least $250,000. Two hundred people are without homes and many have lost their every possession. The women of the Tivoli 4 Rooms escaped in their night attire, most of them 46ftvigiidhce to -join friend3 at Salt LakjCity. Tre fire destroyed des-troyed the wires oLjhe Mountain States Telephone Co., and a num 1er of workn from Salt Lake I were .immediately sent here to afe&6 JCene Jenkins, the local managed in , repairing the lines, communication with Lark and I Copperf ieid and t he U. S. Mines having been broken. Fearing the i flames flight continue down the krtyon, most of the pefftfcm the vicinity of the fire niWecl their furniture, all the way up and was pitedi.Cp g.. din oin - lnun down the'tanyon furniture was piled and many hundreds of dollars worth of these possessions possess-ions were destroyed by moving. One lady-yas seljrwalking down the sidewalk ?ith a piajto roll in her handJter only earthly possession'' poss-ession'' saved. was recently the : victim of a . mine explosion at the Utah-A- v pex wire he miraculously escaped es-caped 'with his .J:3$rJl Joros also lost two sn&U houses of , two rooms each. Watermaster . . W. Robbins, a few minutes after : both the fire companies ofthe ; t, . camp starts f igttin. flmes realized there was insufficient pressure on "the main lines of thf town, called the Oqunty Fire De partment at Murray, which reached here in a thirty-five minute run. AH' arrangements were made prior to their arrival, arriv-al, all available water was turn: ed into the main creek andup-on; andup-on; the arrival of Jihe county boys with their powerful pump, . their hose was immediately connected con-nected and after a few iniwutes pumping . results were discef n . able, the heavy impregnated min era!, water taking effect. By ' this time, the Uah Copper Co., . realizing the dangers also. got out their fire fighting equip-L equip-L ? : ment and with numerous, .pen worked incessantly until thefire was under control,' after about r.- two hours and a half hard f ght- ing the flames were subdued. - The total number destroyed; "f are as follows rThe Tivoli Room asf' ing House, the MichiganGro-& MichiganGro-& - W " v ery The Michigan Candy Store ' - The Belmont Rooming House Tif-i ".ith twenty rooms. The Europe Rooming , House with twelve j UStlrtns and the Europe Pow HalL r ' Four Apartment Houses own- s -JStJfif-Ftori-Bedont with twelve .roomsln each, Twelve houses, " , "ownedby. Jim Vietti with three ' . - jxJ. room in each, The new five room home, of John Vietti, not - yet completed. - A five room house owned by Dominic Pezzo-pane, Pezzo-pane, Four houses owned by Si- , las Jones. 6jJFhe Mussili Tailor ,; " ' -- |