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Show Capital Monument in Memory of "T. R." THE Roosevelt Memorial association associa-tion of the District of Columbia, Colum-bia, whose purpose Is to perpetuate per-petuate the memory of Theodore Theo-dore Itoosevelt by the erection of a suitable memorial In the city of Washington, Wash-ington, has. issued a pamphlet setting forth the personnel of the association and Its preliminary plans. There are four honorary presidents, Including Elihu Itoot and Leonard Wood. The acting president Is James It. Garfield ; there Is a board of trustees with 72 members, and from these officers and trustees an executive committee and a committee on a monumental memorial me-morial have been selected. . A site has been chosen which Is In such a place that, together with the structure to be placed on It, will he In harmony with the park commissioners commis-sioners plan for Washington's developmenta devel-opmenta plnn in whose making President Itoosevelt had a part. Congress Con-gress will be asked to set the ground aside for the purpose, ami the executive execu-tive committee recommends to the trustees that they set nslde $1,000,-000 $1,000,-000 of the fund In their possession for the erection of the monument. The land asked for lies between the Washington monument and the Potomac Po-tomac river, and la bounded by Fifteenth Fif-teenth and Seventeenth streets, projected pro-jected southward, Including Twining lake. The executive committee has arranged for a compettthe design and has chosen the competitors. The pamphlet pam-phlet contains a list of the selected architects, sculptors and lundacape designers. de-signers. The memorial association was organized or-ganized aoon after Mr. Roosevelt's death and the contributions to it have evidently been liberal. The plans Include, In-clude, In addition to the structure at Washington, the acquisition and maintenance main-tenance of a public park In memory of Itoosevelt In the town of Oyster Hay, N. Y, and the establishment of an endowment fund "to promote the development and application of the policies and ideals of Theodore Itoosevelt Itoose-velt for the benefit of the American people." In addition to these memorials memori-als Ir the reconstruction hy an organ-Izatluu organ-Izatluu of women of Roosevelt's boyhood boy-hood homo in New York and the preservation pres-ervation therein of relics and souvenirs souve-nirs ussoclaU'd with his memory. |