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Show yards has any right to look up and face the world. -Garbage and ash cans must be of metal. The use of wooden boxes and barrels is prohibited. Garbage cans must be fitted with tight fitting covers, garbage and ashes ash-es must not be mixed. No ashes should be put in a card-board or a wooden box, as it was only a few days since where we saw a card-board box on Main Street which had been set afire by its contents. If you desire to avoid fires be careful of the manner in which you set out your ashes for their removal by the garbage gar-bage man. Former Chief By-water By-water of Salt Lake City recently recent-ly stated "Our national fire losses loss-es now reach the staggering total to-tal of about $500,000,000 every year" The greatest cause of which were carelessness and rub iness man or woman JHat are not clean they are usually looked look-ed upon with disgust and shunned. shun-ned. This is as true of a town as it js of an individual. The dirty town, the town full of rubbish rub-bish of untidy and unpointed houses, is nonprogressive material mater-ial advancement flourish in dirty dir-ty unkempt dwellings or unkempt un-kempt towns. This week the people of the Highland Boy stai ted their Clean-Up campaign and the News extend congratulations for their early start to brighten up their community. If any dis trict or town is ambitious for advancement, or even if a few oi its men and women are ready to devote their time and energy I to the betterment of the community, com-munity, the surest way to achieve ac-hieve sucdess is to clean-up. Make your back yards and your EDITORIAL THIS IS CLEAN-UP WEEK Beginning on Monday the people peo-ple of Bingham are asked to use their best endeavors to make Bingham a better and cleaner town to live in. Cleanliness it has been said is next to Godliness, Godli-ness, and when one sees a bus- bish, both causes that can easily be eliminated. He further stated stat-ed that "it is high time that we came to a realization that a dail-ly dail-ly clean up of our property is just as important as our daily food." Dr George Ruhland says "A Clean city of clean hornet means clean people; and clean people means a more healthy people; and a more healthy people peo-ple means better working abili- front yards clean, encourage the people to beautify their homes and their yards, repair their tumble down fences paint up and make the general appearance of the town look as if its people took a pride in its general appearance. ap-pearance. No community which does not clean up and paint up, which does not do its best to have dean streets and clean ty; and greater working ability means greater prosperity and happiness and better citizenship' It is the duty of all men and women in the Bingham district to make their homes jiust as clean and attractive as possible, and we cannot but appreciate the attempts of the Utah Copper Cop-per Co. to furnish their employees employ-ees with more attractive homes and trust the time will not be far distant when every mining company in the camp will take the same interest in their employees. em-ployees. What a god-send it would be if some of the tumbledown tumble-down wooden shacks (Firetraps) on Main Street were demolished and replaced by real fireproof buildings. |