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Show Mil WEEK PutinaNcMSct of Champions Next week, more than 95,000 equipment dealers will assist you toward greater motoring economy with a special Champion Spark Plug week. Begin now, with a , new set of Cham 5x pions, to give your LJ engine a real chance H - to deliver it full ffSff3 power, pick-up and """ff efficiency. flr mlt Ourmfrlon X for a. I 11 Ford, I, 60 enu. t T"" TT B( F or all - 1 Eg 3 other cart, 75 emu. 1 I Champlo a Spark Plug (I J Company iLl Toledo, Ohio nu An?AVT AILMENTS OF YOUNG GIRLS Relieved by Lydia E. Pink hamY Vegetable Compound School Teacher's Experience Evanston, Wyoming. "A few yean go I had troubles every month such as , I girls often have, and ' Lm- would suffer awfully y' f every time. I was "v. v teaching school and I it made it hard for I ) me aa I had to go f ijr, to bed for two or - three days. One day my mother augges-s'i augges-s'i tedthatltakeLydin 1 M$ & Pinkham'a Veg. A M otablo Compound, ki JJ f which I did, and it "" Idid wonders for me. In the course of a year I married and after my first baby was born I got up too aoon and it caused a displacement. This troubled me so that I could hardly walk or do my housework. I knew what the Vegetable Compound did for me be-fore be-fore so I took it again. It strengthened me and now I have five little kiddies. The eldest is six, the baby is five months old and I have twin boys three years old and a boy of five years. I do all my own housework, wanning and ironing, and I never felt better in my life. I owe my health to your wonderful medicine and I recommend it to all my friends," Mrs. Verbena Carpenter 127 2nd Avenue, Evanston, Wyoming. Your life, your property, your cropt are all wisely insured. But service from your car remains gamble. And yet, by using only MonaMotntj oil you can get the cheapest, most re liable service insurance, MonaMotot OQa have the body and backbone to do the Job of lubricating properly. MonaMotoii OS is service insurance. You can buy both at the sign. ffonaMotor Qj Company Ban Francisco, CaL Los Angeles, Cat, MonaMbtor Oils & Greases If people only knew the facts about their skin 'T'HE real cauas of skin A trouble raahea, blackheads, oxceeaive oiliniaa, etc. is way down in the lower layers of the) akin. It cannot be expected . therefore that mere surface remedies can reach the disorder. Thousands of physicians are daily prescribing Resinol Ointment Oint-ment and Reainol Soap. They know this gentle, yet effective treatment efoes sink deep, and will often soothe away in a few days the moat atubborn raah aa well as a trifling blemish. No home ahould be without there products the soap for general toilet use the ointment to check the first bit of skin eruption. At ail druggist. Resinol Genuine AUbashne comes only in package with Ctom and Circle printed in Red. Demand the best costs alittle more than Kakoniine but it's worth more. And it won'truboff whenproperly applied. Full instructions on every package. Ask your dealer for the Alabastine colorcard or write Mis Ruby Brandon, the Alabastine Ala-bastine Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Alabaatine a powder in white ad tint. Packed in 5-pound packages, ready for use bv mix All ' of the people can fool themselves them-selves all of the time, more or lens If You Need a Medicine You Should Have tfia Best Have yon ever stopped to reason why It ia that so many products that are extensively ex-tensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are aoon forgotten? The reason ia plain the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, aa like . an endlesa chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need of it. A prominent druggist says: "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in i almost every case it shows excellent results, re-sults, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a Bale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have need the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact, so many people claim, that it fulfills almost al-most every wixh in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects uri nary troubles and neutralizes the urit acid which causes rheumatism. Von may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Root by Parcel Post. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, X. Y., and inclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Don't forget that education Is the getaway to aH reforms. Krek strawberry ahurtpake. Sift a upa of Hour In lurtcv inixlns bowl, add 4 teaspoons Calumet Uaklnit powder and 3 teaspoons butter, pinch aalt, two vsft nd enoutth milk to make a soft doUKh. flare the douKb In layer cake pan and bake In hot oven, for 2U mlnutas. Cool and spilt In layers. Spread 3 tablespoons Gutter Gut-ter between the layers and let cool. Cut cake In derflred size and pour freslt crushed strawberries over call, borve with whipped cream It in auto.noblle mnkes one happier, hap-pier, doesn't that Jmrtlfy It? I --. '-J .-. . - ! ins with cold or warm water. Full directions on every package. Apply Ap-ply with an ordinary wall brush. Suitable for all interior surface plaster, wall board, brick. Mtnont, or canvM. butOhetfafi difference! L D. S. Business College school or rrricicNCY An commercial brwie has. Catalog-frae. 0 W. Mela St SALT LAKE CITY. UTAB jj Stops Lameness from Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, Splint, Curb, Side jj Bone, or similar trembles and J gets horse going aonnd. It ji acts mildly but quickly and Jl good resnlts are lasting. Does not blister or renter tin 7 hair and horaa can ba worked, f a Pass 17 In pamphlet with each bouts tell haw. KJo a bottl laallverad. HamBssklAine, t. r.TODSChc. 510 iyaaa St, frisrSds, 1ms. One Secret of Beauty fDot Comfort ntly you hear people iy feet perspire win-aumnier win-aumnier wlirn I put !ers or heavier foot-hen foot-hen when I remove shoes my feet chill tly and often mi bora i wrutiroiiKh.'MreTery niitiltr thouMuitls bow AUra'vfaat-Fain the fuut-balh daily and tin o duxt tba frrt and a into tba ahw this rptic, beahng powdrr. Wltectlona onNix. Trial Package and a Font-F.nM Walking Doll rent Fret. Addri-M, A'lrn't Faat-Eaae. LcKay, N. Y. RUB YOUR EYESTfflv l ix. Tlaoiinnmn't Ky water. 5rtJVk Mi ? t jrutif tlruajiht s or fVv JP |