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Show Battle Over Radio in News Service WASHINGTON. The bnttle over control of rudlo In the dissemination of news all over the world Is scheduled to be fought out In the International radio conference, which the President has planned to call late this fail, according ac-cording to advices received In olllclal quarters. The controversy, of which limits, If any, should be placed over the radio net, to preserve the functions of newspapers news-papers and newa agencies, has developed devel-oped with the progress of rudlo, In some quurters It being alleged that radio was encroaching in a field properly prop-erly belonging to the newa organizations organiza-tions of various kinds, and various remedies have been proponed, some of which have been fought and others of which are favored. Jn (he last year representatives of 23 national news agencies. Including ail the principal European countries, and many of the (argent of such Some of these measures are: Limiting the receiving range of all private stations. Penalties, Including payment of dam- ' ages, confiscation of apptirutua. and forfeiture of license for violating the secrecy of radio messages. Fixing a word rut for press broadcasts, broad-casts, Irrespective of the number of addresses Included In the collective list, even those which are artlfk-lul or "blind." Iteduction of present telegraphic tele-graphic press rates would also be proposed pro-posed to the conference. Other measures of a similarly sweeping sweep-ing character are proposed for consideration con-sideration at the coming conference. The European meeting Condemned by resolution the radio telephone aa a menace to newa agencies, which might deprive them of their means of existence ex-istence and as a meuace to the public, t because of the "uncontrolled" spread-Ing spread-Ing of press newa. The Amerlcau conference plan agencies In operation, met In Berne, Switzerland, where the subject was considered In detail, and it was decided de-cided to press for action at the coming com-ing International communications conference con-ference along certain lines which they decided would effectively protect what they regarded as their proper sphere. hinges on the disposal in Europe of the preliminary conference, which was scheduled for May, but has been postponed for the time, and no definite date act. The American conference cannot, under the existing arrangement, arrange-ment, be called until this preliminary gutherliig lias concluded lta work. |