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Show THE BINGHAM NEWS - - , - 11 .. . .. .yj San Francisco Sees Men of the Navy in Parade Part of the huge navy parade la San Francisco as the men of the grand fleet were passing the reviewing stand at the city ball. '7TSr 4 . J Tlrfe! 1 mm sjt I 4 I fT'-- ' t M mm fj H f - ' MflWi ill'? ri 1 ;?i , t u ii i' ft i'l ' ti 1 1 : iihiirit-- D qA 5 'Passenger Closed Star for $750 DIG, wide, roomy Sedan with generous seats and Aample leg room, front and rear. Compare iu roominess with any ocher Sedan in Its price claw. Broad doors and right hand teat that folds toward the driver, give ample tpace for eaty entrance and egress. Wide windowa and a one-piec- e windshield give clear vision. A ventilator in the cowl and two above the windshield provide fresh air without exposure to the weather. The body Is finished In dark blue lacquer, with two white stripes. Top is artificial leather embellished with carriage guards. Ihe radiator shell is nickeled. Powered with the Star Million Dollar motor, this car offers value at a price which puts it within the reach of all. Lowcost Transportation Star Cars tTAK CAR PRICES . e. b. Uiulnf, Mich. TOURING ... M0 DOOR 8EDAN . ; 7J0 COUP8TER .... SEDAN . . MlO COUPB ..... 7Jf COMMERCIAL CHASSIS 44J DURANT MOTORS INC Broadway at 57th Street, New York DaaUn and Smtc Stations Throughout ths Unit. J Swim and Canada FUntw Ellubh. N J. luulnf.Mlclk . CkLnd. C.L Toronlo, Ont 1 Jf There is no Better Heel Made Rubber' Heels A Better Heel to Walk On And for thm besf mhom mole you mvmr had USKIDE the Wonder Sola tor Wear Every young mnn should lenrn to paddle his own canoe but be should learn to swim first Regardless jijj of the car you buy or the price you pay There is no greater value than a IBMoIk Children Crjj MOTHER-:- Fletcher Jy to relieve Infants in arms and y Children all ages of Constipa-- tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic - and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidi the assimilation of - Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of &gL$&&U Absolutely Harmlf n - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. Navy Flyers Will Go With MacMillan Expedition This la one of the navy planes that will participate In the Donald Mac--I Mlllan Arctic expedition and, at left, Lieutenant Commander B. E. Byrd, who la In charge of the navy's share In the enterprise and probably will pilot one of the planes. Suj j0'. UT ii I if 111 FoAhj Talo A Vny-GRAHA- 'BONNER m. IT - WIIW NHr't VMKX AFRICAN ANIMALS "Here's another copy of Zoo notes," said Blllle Brownie as he arrived In Brownleland. "1 have made an extra, you see." There, marked at the top of the birch bark newspaper was the word Extra and below that was written: "Special Kditlon on African Animals." "1 must explain," said Blllle Brownie, "that some of these anlumls ant to be found In Asia, too, "Some of them live In the north of Africa and some In the south and some toward the west and so forth. "They don't all live In one pnrt of Africa but they nil do live In Africa, Just as though 1 were filling my lilrch DHrk newspaper full of nil sorts of notes about anlniuls living in one part or another of America." Below the words "Special Kditlon on African Animals" were the news Items which were as follows: Henry Hyenn has a terrible laugh H Ik a wild, crazy kind of a laugh. Ills hind lefts are not as long as his front ones, but that Is not why he laughs. It Is his nature. Often he laughs out of anger, but sometimes he laughs with delight. A dreadful looking twtngabey ar-rived not long ago at a r.oo fur away, and people said that be looked as though dressed for a fancy dress par ty, as It didn't seem possible for any one to go through life looking as he did nil the time. Hut he said It whs his tisuul appearance and that lie be-longed to the monkey family. Mr. Aoudad still eatu bis meals first while Mrs. Aoudnd waits. After he finishes Mrs. Aoudad has her meul. Otherwise he Is a very con-siderate mate, hut It is his rule to eat first. He Is a member of a family that Is related to both the Goat and Sheep families. He has long whiskers and long silky hairs covering his legs. His home Is In the mountains of northern Africa hut he never com-plains about the weather no matter where he Is. He climbs about the rocks In the free state and stays quite still so that he nl.uost looks like a rock from the distance with his coloring blending In with the color of the scenery. Cheetah, or Hunting Leopard, Is a member of the family trained to bunt with men. He Is very clever and he Is very gentle with those who bnve trained him unless lie is Injured or unkindly treated. The Cape Buffalo Is n wild creature. He wishes It to he known that he whs i . - i The Blessbok Is a Very Beautiful Antelope. never willing to help with the work of tils people as the Indian water Buffaloes are. He has big horns and dark brown hair. He hasn't such a rounded back as the Amerlcun Buffalo or Bison has. But he Is very, very strong and very, very dangerous and wild. The Blessbok Is a very beautiful antelope and many call him Beautiful Blessbok. He has handsome rounded horns. And, The African animals send their greetings to all their friends. More of them will tell their stones and about their habits and ways from time to time, but they couldn't get any more ready- - fo'r this Issue of the birch hark news. They will do what they can again as will all the others, for they all llc to have as many people know about them as Is possible. There are a few. of course, who don't care, but most animals want peo-ple to know about them so that they will bear of their good points and will like them. They also want to he treated well, for after all they have feelings even If tbey don't know the language of hu-mans. They want, more than anything In the world, to be treated fairly. The United States holds more air-plane records for speed, distance, dura-tion and altitude than any other na-tion In the world. At Usual Nervous ratlent Is an operation , , absolutely necessary, doctor? ,, Doctor No, but It is customary. NEW GOULD BABY Mrs. Henry A. Bishop, Jr. (former Gloria Gould), gazing at her daugh-ter, Gloria Gould Bishop, In her home In New York. Mrs. Gould conducts a dancing school at a hotel, but will de-vote little time to It for the present since little Gloria will take most of her attention. The mother is the daughter of the late George J. Gould and Edith Klngdon Gould. Huge Concrete Job Is Completed mmvmUMSSMMmsmmm m i tMlpiJiS t 1 The four-yea-r task of lining with concrete the Connaught tunnel of the Canadian Pacific railroad longest In America has now been completed, with, half a million bags of cement and untold tons of sand and stone mixed within railroad cars in the tunnel and blown Into place behind the wooden forms by compressed air through huge pipes, as shown In photograph. The work was the greatest Job of Its kind ever undertaken. MRS. URQUHART GETS REWARD Mrs. Urquhart of Omaha wants every bousewlfe to share her good fortune in possessing a handsome reward. Here Is what she says: "This Is the way I did It. I answered an ad by writing for a free 10c bottle of Liquid Veneer and I found It so wonderful for dusting and polishing that I told fifteen of my friends about it nnd the makers sent me entirely free and postpaid, a great big, beautiful $2.00 Liquid Veneer Pollsh-n- g Mop." Then Mrs. Urquhnrt goes on to say: "I am very proud nnd pleased with the reward given for what I have done, so will take great pleasure In showing It to friends." Twenty thousand of these- $2.00 Mops are going to be given awny to housewives. Write for a free 10c bottle and ask for descriptive circular 15 telling how easily yon, too, may have one of these mops. Address Llqtild Veneer Company, Dept L, Bnffalo, N. T. Adv. This Ship Hand Refuses All Tips si When Miss Winifred Hick, a passenger on the Dollar liner President Har-rison, sailed from San Francisco, Quartermaster Robert Tyson assisted her with ber lnggage, and then refused a tip. The reason war. that Tyson already has million dollars and belongs to the most exclusive clubs In San Francisco. Ha Is taking the trip around the world as a member of the crew for adventure i AGES DIDN'T COUNT James P. Weaver, elevator operator of Chicago, twenty-on- e years old, and Mrs. Ida Sandlne Campbell, fifty years of age, who were married amid the Easter lilies of Garfield park con-servatory. The bride said: "Sudden-ly ronance dawned upon us. I said I was robbing the cradle he said he was robbing the old people'i home." Not Worth Acquiring Pride either finds a desert or makes one, submission cannot tame Its fe-rocity, and It requires very costly food its keeper's happiness. Probably an Oversight At least Nero was honest The towel found In his bathhouse recently by ex-cavators did not bear the Pullman mark. Detroit News. ' y Considerate "Why are you playing alone, legal Why not play with Hans?" "I can't !" "Why not?" "I played with him yesterday. He will he too tired to play again today!" Chrlstlania Karlkaturen. A New Use for Mustaches A little chap who had fallen and cut his lip, so that it was necessary for the doctor to stitch the wound, after bearing the pain bravely, turned to hh mother, who was making much ado over the operation, and said: "Never mind, mamma, my mosiacne will cover It." |