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Show IBM "after every meal' Pantds- encourage Out children to curt for their tottkf Give them Wrlgleyfe. It removes food particles fhm the teeth. Strengthen the gum. Combatf acid mouth. Befrechiiift and beneAcltlt SEALED f TIGHT W i iiitl Say "Bayer Aspirin" - INSIST! Unless you see tha "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not jetting1 the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phjr, slclans for 24 years. C" Bayer package which contains proven directions Bandr "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 4 aad 100 Druggist AMrta to Mm tnde -irk t Birtr Min-ita Min-ita of UamwetleuMaeter at tMUiojUoadt UlearThePoresI : Of Impurities With CuficuraSoap We condemn what wo do not un- I derstand. Lift Off-No Pain! Doesn't hart one bit 1 Drop a little Treezone" on an aching corn. Instantly Instant-ly that corn stop hurting, then short-. short-. - ty yon lift it right off with fingers. Tour druggist sells a tiny bottle of Treexone" for a few cents, sufficient to . remove every hard corn, soft corn, or , v corn between the toes, and the foot , caUnaes, without aoreness or Irritation. , , W kissing cured Indigestion every-rJjiould every-rJjiould fmve dyspepsia. Intellect doesn't uecesmirlly mcun aengft. 1 'World's Lowest lb H Priced Sedan I! with Sliding Gear H Transmission- EASY TERMS ; Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION JDiW I Hot water Su re Relief ELL-AMS 5$ AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE -i . . . FOR OVER haarlem oil has been a worldwide world-wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder,, disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. correct Internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Colo Medal. ' Fv-"i y-Jfr'KW1 'j,w, wwmn unfailing serv- I 1 ice on bake- 1 day has made I 1 CALUMET the I world's greatest I j 1 baking powder. I 1 Retains its L j j great leavening I I etrength in every I 1 climate to the I j 1 very last spoontuU I i Always depend- - I able and pure. 1 j 181' How to build up your Wefltf Bat TO BE under weight often proves low fighting-power in t he body. It often means you are minus nerve-power, nerve-power, minus red-cells In your blood, , - minus health, ' minus vitality. It I aStz lilFA ' '8 serious to be i is 1 1 m'nus' D,,t ,nfl I K. U3 KM crea8e tne nm"- V3!i IJ blood -cells, you , vNE I , begin to become 1 J y . plus. That's why i S. S. S., since 1828, las meant to thousands of underweight nen and women, a plus In their strength. Your , . Ody BUS tO the rt Booklet point Of power, Soml n.m; Mid ronr flesh becomes cofm a s I firmer, the age Bidi., Ati.nt., lines that come from thinness ols- Blood, ippear. You look fotmger, firmer, happier, and you feel t, too, all over your body. More red-jlood-cellsl S. 8. 8. will build them. ' n S. S. B- is o'd at " gnot iv drug; Rtorea In two slies. Thn F-tx larger dse Is more economical. fftc C C Ohe Worlds Best , pfcQ.J.J!, loodMedicina N U, Salt Lak7city7lKlfcTaIl92 |