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Show Copperfield Brevities Harold Williams of the Aggie School at Logan has been elected elect-ed president of the Sophomore class for next year. The little seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Magnum was struck by an auto on Wednesday Wed-nesday afternoon, driven by W. Page of Carr Fork. His injuries were attended to at the Utah Copper emergency hospital. iliss Maurice Cotter and her sister, Miss Stella Klopenstine, entertained the D. L. Bridge clul at the home of the former, Tuesday Tues-day evening. High score wat, won by Miss Alta Acord and consolation con-solation by Miss June Rheese Luncheon was served to tlu Misses Mabel Neprud, Bessit Call, June Rheese, Ruby Knud sen, Alta Acord and Mrs. Bernice Ralls. Miss Edith Borg, bookkeeper at the Miners Merc. Store, left Monday for Richfield where slu was called by the death of hei mother in that city. Mr. and Mrs. John Knudsen spent Monday in Salt Lake. Misses Doris Masters and Anna An-na Bogan were the Sunday guests of Miss Mabel Knudsen. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mackris announce an-nounce the arrival of a son, bora at the L. D. S. hospital in Sail Lake, of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Snow of Logan were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lyons here last week-end. Lloyd Doman of Concrete, Colorado Co-lorado arrived Wednesday to visit vi-sit Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Doman. Mr. and Mrs. Dick D.ean returned re-turned home Wednesday from a two weeks visit with relatives at Cresent. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buckle and Mrs. J. II. Colyar attended the Wilkes theatre in Salt Lake on Tuesday evening. Mrs. C. J. Dixon and family are spending the week-end in Salt Lake with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Steele and children spent Saturday with friends in Salt Lake. Mrs. Jim Rowe, formerly of New Mexico, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nicholls. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Salt Lake City and Mrs. E. J. Denkle of Caliente, Nevada were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drennan here, Sunday. Mrs. J. Whitmore entertained at a children's party Saturday afternoon in honor of the birthday birth-day anniversary of her daughter Virginia. Games were played and refreshments served. Miss Essie Brocklebank returned re-turned home Wednesday after spending the past six weeks in Ventura and other cities in California. Cal-ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. George Brockel-bank Brockel-bank and son, Ray are visiting relatives in Salt Lake. |