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Show DANCE -EVERY 'V FRIDAY DUNDEE ORIGINAL SYNCOPATORS DUNDEE'S Utah's Most Popular Ball Room YOU SHOULD CARRY A POLICY IN THE NATIONAL CASUALTY CO. of DETROIT, MICHIGAN BECAUSE They provide Indemnity for loss of time due to Accident or Sickness. Sick-ness. Confining and Non-Confining and BECAUSE We issue the most liberal and broadest policies on the market and pay our claims promptly, as the following list shows. Bingham Claims Paid in March C. A. Kelley $18.66 J. Feraco $15.00 J. G. Murray $16.66 W. E. Crandall - $16.00 J. Dimas ....... $20.00 L. James $10.00 A. K. Hugoboom $15.00 C. L. Willener $ 5.33 N. Bolic $171.42 J. R. Ford $14.00 W. Meyers $ 6.66 T. Bernardo $16.00 C. L. Willener $ 6.66 II. L. Pickering $13.33 J. Borcich .$800.00 For further information I Call or Write TONY KINO Phone 260 P. 0. Box 131 Bingham Canyon Utah LADIES If you want your HAIR taken care of Right Call at EDITH and ELAINE'S BEAUTY PARLORS 289 Main Street Phone 264M BRON - CHO - LINE The Greatest Remedy for Colds, Pneumonia, Croup, and Throat Troubles. Invaluable for Insect Bites, Hay Fever and other Spring and Summer Ailments. KEEP IT ALWAYS IN YOUR HOME Manufactured Exclusively By CAMPBELL DRUG CO. Phone 190 Royal Building, Main Street FOR OUR PRICES SEE TODAY'S POSTERS We Do Not Charge for Drayage. We Deliver Free and Welcome Competition Well's Groceteria 448 MAIN STREET PHONE 63 FOR SALE Thirty Rooms of Furniture in the CALIFORNIA HOTEL Will also rent or lease the building build-ing after the furniture has been disposed of. A chance of a lifetime life-time for someone desirious of making money. Apply Jim ROLANDO 590 Main St. Bingham, Utah PHOTOS ART TOSES BY BEAUTIFUL 'AND SHAPELY MODELS 4"" ""v For Art Schools, etc. Photos 3 'i by 5 'j Sample 25c $2.00 per dozen Large Sizes in Colors $1.00 PICTURES FRAMED Moab Navajo Novelty Co. 133-7 Regent Street Salt Lake City, Utah CANYON LIVERY and TRANSFER FREIGHT And HAULING of ALL KINDS SADDLE HORSES Jim Leva, Proprietor Phone 186 BINGHAM 3 SAY IT WITH FLOWERS Give us your oiders for all 1 Kinds ot FLOWERS i Potted Plants and Ferns I E. O'DONNELL ! Phone 17 The Clift Club I "The Sportsman's Headquarters" I LUNCHES PUT UP I POOL TABLES I Cigars and Soft Drinks I Where You Can Always Find a Binghamite I ' G. GREGORY, Prop. , I j 24 West Broadway Salt Lake City, Utah I J jytu. , . ; .?!-;-,5 I Tft"' r ".'." J'mj I v ... ( v ' V"-, r L. . ..'V I 1 r m Jack is still in the Ring I J. P. ARNOLDS SWISS WATCHMAKER Fine Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Jew-elry skillfully repaired 520 Main Street Bingham. Utah Eargaks Sj I! Bingham Furniture Co. I j Main Street 461 Phone 99 3? I Full and three-quarter size slightly used BEDS, rf! I With Good Springs, $2.50 Up. rj I Two Kitchen Cabinets from $17.50 Up I ChifTioneis $10.00 -and Up. g Dressers from $4.00 Up. s fr BED DAVENPORTS from $27.50 Uf S IRON BEDS. Full and three quarter sizes rf3 from $2.50 Up S MATTRESSES of every make from $7.50 Up gj RANGES. Monarch and other good Standard Makes rp from $12.50 Up jj We have received a new shipment of DISHES and Ifj ALUMINUM WARE Direct from the Manufacturers this Week . Br Some of the above GOODS have been slightly used, but they are of the best Quality. If you want a Bar- S gain come in and look them over. Bj GEORGE SMITH Proprietor. fei j BINGHAM STAGE LINE Schedule Now Effective Cars leave Bingham 8, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p. m. Cars leave Salt Lake City 7, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 p. m. Main Street Phone 41 FARES Round Trip $2.50 One Way $1.50 Salt Lake City Office Semloh Hotel 107 E. 2nd So. St. Phone Was. 1069 |