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Show REMOVING PAINT FROM MOTOR CAR Practical Plan Outlined for ; Cleaning Auto, Tractor or Machinery. To remove the paint from the motor car body, tractor or farm machinery for repainting, coat with a paste made of lye aa follows : Dissolve alx heaping tablespoonfuls of cornstarch In three quarts of water wa-ter In a wooden pall or atone crock and In another container dissolve one can of lye. Tour the lye solution Into the cornstarch very slowly, being careful care-ful to atlr well all the time. Thla will make a thick paste without lumps. Put Paste on Surface. Paint thla on the surface from which the paint la to be removed with an old brush or awab, putting It on In an even thick coat. If on the body of an auto, It la best to first remove the fenders and running boards or to cover them with a thick coat of grease. A small section ahould be covered with the paste at one time and ahould be left on until It ahowa algna of drying. then can be acraped off with a put-"ty put-"ty knife, wire brush or steel wool. If all the paint doea not come off, a second sec-ond or third coat must be riven. Fendera or cars with enameled bodies have the enamel baked on and It la not practical to remove thla without with-out placing in a tank of strong lye solution which la kept boiling. Wire wheela from which the paint la to be removed are best treated In thla manner. man-ner. Clean Small Parte. To remove paint from amull part of the tractor or farm machinery, hang them In a tub of a solution made by dissolving one can of lye In each gallon gal-lon of water. The paint on such parta la much easier to remove than from the auto body and with very little labor la-bor your tractor or mower can be made to look like new. Thla will also clean all the grease or oil from the parts and leave a clean surface to paint over. Wash well with plenty of water all parta before repainting. Do not nsa thla remover on aluminum alumi-num parta or on cars with aluminum bodies. All aluminum trimmings aa on the running boards must be protected with a thick covering of grease. |