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Show ; THE BINGHAM NEWS ' . When In Salt Lake City Eat at the New Hallmarks Lunch Room Where You Are Assured the BEST on The Market at REASONABLE PRICES Everything New We Ask For And Clean One Trial 1 30 West Second South Close to Main Street and the Orpheum II Vp ggynMV Inexpensive Tennis Togs Stylish and Comfortable Get your pattern at our Standard-Design- er Pattern counter, then buy your material at our piece-goo- ds counter. The Bel robe, a wonderful dressmaking guide included with the pattern, shows you how to make the dresi from start to finish. im-OnlyMyarJ- of54- tWThe Belrobe shows inch bordered material is you with pictures how to required for this dress in bind the neck, armholes and jize36. The Belrobe shows slashed skirt of this Jumper you how to lay out the pat-- tunic dress as a professional tan on your material. tailor would do it. X. Always Buy Standard-Desin- ef Patterns including Belrobe R. JAY MITCHELL 455 Main Street Phone 43 Copperfield Candy and Grocery Store Has just received a large Shipment of IMPORTED and DO-MESTIC GROCERIES of the Highest Grade. We handle the Best Candies on the Market LOUIS DA PRA, Proprietor Phone 147 Have Your Spring Suit Made RIGHT in BINGHAM Where It Is Made To Fit You CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED New York Tailors 517 Main Street (Above City Hall) Cadillac Expert Ambulance Attendants Ambulance Service Co. To any Hospital in Salt Lake City $25.00 Phone rhone Salt Lake, Was. 4040 Bingham 17 ' - YOU CAN NOT BUY FROM US Radio Sets, Umbrellas at a Sacrifice, Bathrobes, House dust ers, Window Curtains, Rugs, Bathing Suits, Fishing Tackle, Electric Irons and Toasters, Fire Extinguishers, Baskets i and Clothes Hang- - ers, Tree Tea or Tea Pots BECAUSE WE, THE UNITED DRUG CO. OF COPPERFIELD Operate an DRUG STORE and SODA FOUNT-AIN-, Where your Prescriptions Can be Filled, and the Best of Drugs Obtained Call Phone 77 I Purest Milk for Your Babies We Furnish You Direct From Our Own Dairy The Bingham Dairy Phone 232 WANTED A FIRST CLASS CHAMBER MAID Apply in the afternoons. PALACE ROOMS, 485 Main Street Royal Candy Co. STORE NO. 1, Phone 13 STORE NO. 2, Phone 189 HOME MADE CANDY i . dS CHILI, TAMALES, LIGHT LUNCHES HOT AND COLD DRINKS Buy Bread that Is Made In Bingham 3 LOAVES for 25 cents Standard Bread Co. Ernest Panieri, Prop. CHURCH NOTICES L. D.S. CHURCH Evening service on Sundays, 7:30 p. m. Sunday-schoo- l, 10:30 a. m. Primary, Monday afternoons at 3:30. Priesthood meeting on Mon-day evenings at 7:00 p. m. Relief Society meets on Tues-day afternoons at 2:00. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Holy Rosary Church, Bingham Sunday Masses: Every Sunday, 10:30 a. m. First Sunday, 9 a. m. Copperfield Second and fourth Sundays 9:00 a. m. Sunday School after Mass., Rev. John Lamb, Pastor. Citizen's Coal and Supply Co. HANDLES ALL KINDS OF SUPPLIES HAY, GRAIN COAL AND ICE Agents for the Excellent Near XffV Beer Beverage known as RONCA --BECCO" HgDlOl BINGHAM, UTAH WHEN YOU NEED MIL,K FOR YOUR BABIES, ASK FOR HOGAN'S CLEAN, WHOLESOME AND INVIGORATING . Approved by Hugh J. Cannon Chief Of Dairy And Food Division State Board of Agriculture Bingham Iligh School will give I the popular three act comedy "Come out of the Kitchen" will be presented at the High School Auditorium on Monday May 4th at 8 p. m. Rehearsals are being held daily and it is declared the people of Bingham will enjoy a treat, 'there will be no reser-ved seats so the public are ad-vised to secure tneir seats in time. b E. Bond, photographer ol Salt Lake City, was in Bingham on luesday and took a picture of the new high scnool wlucn will be placed on the diplomas of the new graduates tins year to replace a picture of the Sandy nigh school which formerly ap-peared. ihe Bazaar given by the la-dies of the Holy itosary church on Saturday last was a decided success. Miss Betty Bellows, ot the Boston Con Hotel Mo. 2 won the $120.00 Radio Set and the Gentleman's Traveling Set was also won by a guest of the Bos-ton Con Hotel No. 2, Joe Grady, lie also won a beautiful pillow which was the delight of every lady attending the Bazaar. . George A. Holt, district man-ager of the Skaggs Grocery Stores in the Salt Lake district has appointed C. G. Boyce, man-ager of the Bingham store which is located in the building form-erly known as the Princess Thoa tre. The building has been en-tirely remodeled and will open TO-DA-Congressman E. 0. Leather-woo- d was a visitor to Bingham ' on Thursday investigating the extent of the fire damage. CHIPS AND SHAVINGS (Continued from Page One) busy rehearsing every night and from the present outlook this performance will surpass their former endeavor to please the Bingham Canyon public when they presented "Nothing but the Truth." Which was claimed to have been the finest amateur dramatic performances ever giv-en in Bingham. Under the direction of Miss Aliceeile Higgs students of the Copperfield Brevities Harold Williams of the Aggie School at Logan has been elect-ed president of the Sophomore class for next year. The little seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Magnum was struck by an auto on Wed-nesday afternoon, driven by W. Page of Carr Fork. His injuries were attended to at the Utah Copper emergency hospital. iliss Maurice Cotter and her sister, Miss Stella Klopenstine, entertained the D. L. Bridge clul at the home of the former, Tues-day evening. High score wat, won by Miss Alta Acord and con-solation by Miss June Rheese Luncheon was served to tlu Misses Mabel Neprud, Bessit Call, June Rheese, Ruby Knud sen, Alta Acord and Mrs. Bernice Ralls. Miss Edith Borg, bookkeeper at the Miners Merc. Store, left Monday for Richfield where slu was called by the death of hei mother in that city. Mr. and Mrs. John Knudsen spent Monday in Salt Lake. Misses Doris Masters and An-na Bogan were the Sunday guests of Miss Mabel Knudsen. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mackris an-nounce the arrival of a son, bora at the L. D. S. hospital in Sail Lake, of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Snow of Logan were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lyons here last week-en- d. Lloyd Doman of Concrete, Co-lorado arrived Wednesday to vi-sit Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Doman. Mr. and Mrs. Dick D.ean re-turned home Wednesday from a two weeks visit with relatives at Cresent. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buckle and Mrs. J. II. Colyar attended the Wilkes theatre in Salt Lake on Tuesday evening. Mrs. C. J. Dixon and family are spending the week-en- d in Salt Lake with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Steele and children spent Saturday with friends in Salt Lake. Mrs. Jim Rowe, formerly of New Mexico, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nicholls. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Salt Lake City and Mrs. E. J. Denkle of Caliente, Nevada were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drennan here, Sunday. Mrs. J. Whitmore entertained at a children's party Saturday afternoon in honor of the birth-day anniversary of her daughter Virginia. Games were played and refreshments served. Miss Essie Brocklebank re-turned home Wednesday after spending the past six weeks in Ventura and other cities in Cal-ifornia. Mr. and Mrs. George Brockel-ban- k and son, Ray are visiting relatives in Salt Lake. NOTICE TO WATER USERS State Engineer's Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 1, 1925. Notice is hereby given that the Dry Fork Water Company, whose post office address is Bingham, Utah, made applica-tion in accordance with Section 8, Chapter 67, Session Laws of Utah, 1919, to change the nature of "use of one (1) c. f. s. of water appropriated from under ground flow of Dry Fork Canyon in Salt Lake County, Utah. Said water is diverted from said creek at a point which bears N. 36 deg. 58 min. West, 5418.9 feet from the SE cor. of NEVi of Sec. 14, T. 3 S., R. 3 W S. L. B. M. and Jan. 1st to Dec. 31st of each year for domestic purposes in the town of Bingham. It is now desired to divert the water and use during same period as here-tofore for maintaining a pond for fish culture purposes. This application is designated in the State Engineer's Office as File No. a835. All protests against the grant ing of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be by affidavit in duplicate, accom-panied with a fee of $1.00 and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. GEORGE M. BACON, State Engineer. Date of first publication April 4, 1925. Date of completion of publication May 2, 1925. Telephone Co. Distribute Almanacs Gene Jenkins, the popular man ager of the Mountain States Tel-ephone company has been dis-tributing Almanacs for 1925 this week to many of his sub-scribers. The book contains val-abl- e telephone information which every user of the teleph-one should read, mark and learn. Mr. Jenkins is desirious of in-forming the people of Bingham wh6 are in the habit of using a telephone, even if it is their nei-ghbors, that on finishing a con-versation they will give Central a short ring to notify her that the conversation is over. If this rule was adopted there would be no necessity for central to be calling to ascertain if you were "waiting." Difference in Elephant In the African elephant both texe have Ivory tusks, while In the Asiatic they are generally restricted to ih male, ' |