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Show and Alfred of Lark and John of Salt Lake City. Funeral services were held from the L. D. S. ward house on Thursday morning with Dorus Thomas in charge. Louis Peterson, an acquaintance of the deceased for many years spoke in well fitting language on the many good qualities of Mr. Atkinson. At-kinson. A quartette consisting of Miss Vergie Nordberg, Mrs. R. Myerhoffer, Dorus Thomas and Carl Mayer contributed the following vocal selections: "I need Thee every Hour," "Though Deepening Trials," and "We shall meet Beyond the River" - Interment was made in the Bingham Cemetery with a large number of friends attending. Joseph Atkinson -4 DiestLark JosephAtklnson, born in Lancashire, Lan-cashire, England May 29, 1860, died rifthlsTamily home in Lark on Monday evening at 6 p. m. Mr. Atkinson has be3 resident resi-dent of Lark for thepast fifteen fif-teen years aftd a resSHjnt of the U. S. A.fort'the past twenty years. During the past two years he has been suffering from nephritis ne-phritis and heart trouble. Prior to his illness he was 'a. tmslSfl employee of the Bingham ;Mnes Co., andTfor several years siic-cessfully'operated siic-cessfully'operated a; lease under the same company .'"Joe jUkin-.son jUkin-.son was much respected in the 'community in which he resided also by all his co-workers in the mine. He was always willing to lend a helping hand to assist his feilowman and altho in his" youth he was an ardent church worker, in later years heyas not so enthusiastic, butjjiways adhered to the mottopf the Gold eflr Rule, and admitted to the writer of this paragraph that-he that-he never felt any fear of death, and when the summoms came he was ready to go.. He is sur$iif ed by his wife, Mrs! Nancy Pritt Atkinson,, two daughters, Mrs. Neil Moore of Bingham and Mrs. Hannah McLaughlin of Montana and four sons, Thomas, George |