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Show qA 5 'Passenger Closed Star for $750 A DIG, wide, roomy 2-door Sedan with generous seats and ample leg room, front and rear. Compare iu roominess with any ocher 2-door Sedan in Its price claw. Broad doors and right hand teat that folds toward the driver, give ample tpace for eaty entrance and egress. Wide windowa and a one-piece windshield give clear vision. A ventilator in the cowl and two above the windshield provide fresh air without exposure to the weather. The body Is finished In dark blue lacquer, with two white stripes. Top is artificial leather embellished with carriage guards. Ihe radiator shell is nickeled. Powered with the Star Million Dollar motor, this car offers ex-ceptional ex-ceptional value at a price which puts it within the reach of all. Lowcost Transportation Star Cars tTAK CAR PRICES . e. b. Uiulnf, Mich. TOURING ... M0 -DOOR 8EDAN . ; 7J0 COUP8TER .... 4-DOOR SEDAN . . MlO COUPB ..... 7Jf COMMERCIAL CHASSIS 44J DURANT MOTORS INC Broadway at 57th Street, New York DaaUn and Smtc Stations Throughout ths Unit. J Swim and Canada FUntw Ellubh. N J. luulnf.Mlclk . CkLnd. C.L Toronlo, Ont . 1 Jf There is no Better Heel Made Rubber' Heels A Better Heel to Walk On And for thm besf mhom mole you mvmr had USKIDE the Wonder Sola tor Wear Every young mnn should lenrn to paddle his own canoe but be should learn to swim first Regardless jijj of the car you buy or the price you pay There is no greater value than a IBMoIk Children Crjj MOTHER:- Fletcher Jy to relieve Infants in arms and y Children all ages of Constipa- tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic - and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aidi the assimilation of - Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. i To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of &gL$&&U Absolutely Harmlf n - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. |