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Show You Must Discard Some of Your k Wearing Apparel $ K Simply because they were soiled, had Js faded a little, possibly needed a little re- pairing or a few alterations. s That is Money 1 5 Wasted ! g s Because at a very little expense we jr could clean such articles thoroughly, re- 6 move grease, grim, and stains, repair them where they have worn through at Vi j edges, put on new linings, new bands in S skii-ts, new buttons on the coats, and many other things so that they will do for another season's wear. M & N jjThen again, take your better clothes. Have tfg you gotten a stain on them? Have they be- come smoky, or did you accidently spill some- Vi Sg, thing on them, if so, let us demonstrate to you jft that we can handle such articles and the most r? delicate fabrics, absolutely to your satisfaction. ftSend goods Parcel Post or Express. We will make you city prices and prepay return charges. i V S2 ffWe will be glad to have you bring in your FURS. Evening Gowns and Cloaks and have them returned to your entire S8 satisfaction. I DALY & HARRIS I PHONE 29. MILFORD PHAR. BLK 1 The Perfection Completes j Your Shaving Outfit TOUCH a match the Perfection glows in response. In five minutes the bathroom is as warm as toast. The Perfection is clean, convenient, ' easily carried wherever you want S I it. Ten hours of comfort from a CT ? i gallon of kerosene oil, the handiest "PyN i and most inexpensive of fuels. oA. THE CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY )C- 3 (A Colorado Corporation) f yV V1 I-'' !Davr Poeblo Sit Lake City S ' 1 Ch7enae Butte Albaquerque Boise , y Sold at hardware, 'XH- -9 If furniture and gen- 'jyS ffLi Jii eral stores every- wjZr3 ' where. Look for ljf) lNr the Triangle Trade- pAjp ffl mIlIm" fl iflJwif Award at Panama , yu' y . nnM uUArErgl fc a fatiju Ex&tlHtn j 1 J ;4Hiifi i, ! v,ir5J53P?3ja .t L -in "a Just Like a Gold Boeci 1 A good cattle barn begins to earn money for you from the day it is completed. And the returns keep coming in year after year without interruption. Look at the building shown in the picture. It is one good suggestion for a profit-earning cattle barn. You will see from the illustration that it is designed for a good sized herd and it has plenty of room for hay overhead. Notice, also, the shelter shed, arranged by an extension of !the main roof. The cattle appreciate this protection from the weather. When the cattle gain in weight, you gain in money. Let us help you with yuiir plans for a new cattle barn, j There is a certain best material for cattle barns just as there B is for all other farm buildings. ' 1 JEFFERSON Mercantile Co.! FANCY GROCERIES all kinds of MEATS. J . Veal, Pork, Wk Mutton, Meats,. ft Fresh Fish Every Thursday and Friday. Fresh Oysters every day. J ' We specialize on f High Grade Coffees, Teas and Spices. t MILFORD Everything for Blasting, j T1TAIJ HERCULES POWDERS, UlAH GIANT POWDERS, Phone No. 20 CAPS AND FUSE, i MINING SUPPLIES, and I I SPORTING AMMUNITION. t XyK We Sel1 tne Famous t OLD MASTER COFFEE, f and specialize on t Chase & Sanborn TEAS AND COFFEES. J t FOR THE HOUSE nips, Parsnips, Carrots, ij WIFE. Pears, Peaches, Plums, ,? Celery, Sweet Spuds, Apples, Oranges, Ba- f Cauliflower, Bell Pep- nanas, Muscat Grapes, t pers, Egg Plant, Cab- Tokay Grapes, Concord J bage, Cucumbers, Tur- Grapes. ! JEFFERSON Mercantile Co. I I GOLDEN RULE STORE MILFORD - UTAH & g Winter Is Coming S We have received our full Stock of S Winter Goods g Our line of Men's Flannel Shirts and Underwear JS is the largest in Milford, at the most reasonable tfi prices. ?J We Invite Your Inspection i SS OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS 8 & 10c cans of June Peas, 3 cans for 25c Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 2 for 25c Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c M 45c Folger's Steel Cut Coffee, jer pound.. ..40c uj ) 10c Package Macaroni or Spaghetti, 3 for.. ..25c 6 Bars Toilet Soap for 25c $ THE GOLDEN RULE STORE PHONE 10. THE UTAH MILFORD, ONE NIGHT ONLY, COMMENCING SUNDAY, October 8. THE E. FOREST TAYLOR COMPANY, I INCLUDING v Miss Ada Daniels, and v Miss Ethel Tucker. And a supporting company of TEN meritorious Players, "On Government Service." The dramatic treat of the season. AH special scenery. Seats now on Sale at the MILFORD PHARMACY. |