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Show NOTICE TO COXTKACTORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Town of ajilford, in Beaver Bea-ver County, Utah, proposes to make the following public improvements, to-wit : ConsXruct an extension to the present pres-ent sewer system by' laying sewer pipe eight (S) inches in diameter in the following streets and alley between be-tween the following points: . STODDARD STREET: Beginning at the center line of North Second Avenue and extending southward in and along said Stoddard Street to the sewer line on Center Street, the said sewer to connect with sewer pipe now lying in Center Street. MAIN STREET: Beginning at' the center line of North Third Avenue, thence southward in and along Main Street to the sewer line on Center Street, the said sewer to connect with the sewer pipe now lying in Center Street. McKEON STREET: Beginning at the center line of North Second Avenue, Ave-nue, thence southward in and along .-C on Street to the southwest cor ner of Lot 3, in Block 2. North Milford, Mil-ford, Latey and Williams Townsite. the said sewer to connect with the sewer pipe now lying in Center Street and McKeon Street. ALLEY IN ISUOCK 2. MILFORD TOWNSITE: Beginning at the north line of First Avenue. Milford Town-site; Town-site; thence northerly in and along the alley of said Block 2, Milford Townsite. to the sewer line on Center Cen-ter Street, the said sewer to connect con-nect with the sewer pipe now lying in Center Street. Scaled bids are invited for said work and will be received at the office of-fice of the town clerk of said town. until S o'clock, p. m., on the 27th day of October, A. D., 1916. at which time said bids will be opened and considered by the board of trustees of said town, and the contract awarded award-ed to the lowest responsible bidder. Instructions to bidders, plans and specifications for said improvement can be seen and examined at the of- j fice of the undersigned town clerk in 1 said town. t The right is reserved to reject any 'and all bids and to waive any defects. de-fects. By order of the Board of Trustees of tlie Town of Milford, Beaver County. Coun-ty. Utah. Dated this 29th day of September, A. D., 1916. J. A. 1NGOLS, Town Clerk. First publication, October 6th. A. D., 1916. Last publication, October 27th, A. D., 1916. |