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Show SHKKII'F'S SALIC. In the District Court of the Fifth Judicial District of Utah in anil for the County of Denver. j Wheeler and Motter Mercantile j Company, a Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Edward Bardsley. Wm. H. Elmer El-mer and Ben H. Nichols, Partners, doing business under the firm name of Bardsley, Elmer & Nichols, and Lotta Bardsley, Defendants. Sheriff's Sale. To he sold at Sheriffs Sale at the front door of the county court house in the City and County of. Beaver, State of Utah.on the 21sif day of October. A. D., 1916, at 12:00 o'clock noon of said day, all the j right, title, claim and interest of said Defendants, of, in and to the i following described real estate, to-wit: to-wit: All of Lot Six, Block twenty-four, Plat "G" Milford Town Survey; also all of Lot One, Block twenty, Plat "B" Milford Town Survey. Situated in the City of Milford, County of Beaver, State of Utah. ; Purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States. Dated at Beaver City, Utah, on this 21st day of September, A. D., 1916. R. B. CUTLER, Sheriff of Beaver County, Utah. SOULE & SPALDING, Attorneys for Plaintiff. BILL and BILL y Complete line of Meats and Groceries, Call The Fruits and Vegetables And Place Q , , Fresh Fish and fece That T . Oysters. Us Gives HOME CURED Before The . . M t Hams, Bacon and Placing Lard. Your For , The Hay, Grain and . Order, Flour. or Money. p. We give both quality I none. " and service. " Phone No. 86. Phone No. 86. R. H. PITCHFORTH, GEORGE JEFFERSON, President Vice-President E. H. STREET, -building" ' I ,; i ENT LAND, INSURANCE t - rtt . I ' The Mig and Dyeing ity Prices We prepay the Return Express or Parce' j ri i i Charges. Clothes Insured tl Clean- Men's LAJDIES' PRICE LIST $1.50 1.00 Dry Cleaned and .50 Pressed Waists " '- . I silk or finxc-l " Safe Deposit Boxes. We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings. Courteous Treatment at all Times. I The Protecting Roof In rain, in sun,- in snow and wind it's the roof that t gets the hardest abuse. A good roof is a shock absorber j of all kinds of weather. It will serve you well, twelve months in the year if you give it a chance. B Inspect your buildings now while the weather is favor- i able. Check up on all your needs, then give us the word, i B Let us supply you with the one best roofing material g for your purpose. .-.L... . B a NN EVI LLE LUMBER CO. Om o . E . Merrtll C o " d A s 3 o c li - Milford Lund Modena. |