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Show SAFETY FIRST. You'll find this the safest and best place to buy your Fall Clothes. Cleaning Clean-ing and Pressing a specialty. Adv. 9-29-5x. p jjj b 1 1 wkh- j'i.V VJhFV RBBf r n 0 - - - - 'T - f ': X i future' iJi n I p No eorarnumty builds only for the present. Public buildings, parks, driveways ! 3 and viaducts, for example, are planned to meet the requirements of the com- : mumty s growth. j A telephone company must also build for the future. ! i Communities are always growing up to their telephone development Kence I I exchanges switchboards and subways must be built, not only to care for nres I 1 ent needs, but they must be planned to be readily and economically adapted to ! I necessary extension and developments for several years ahead. 1 Construction plans are based on careful studies of each locality by men esne ' 1 c ally trained in estimating possibilities in growth of population and comber- 1 1 clal and industrial expansion. ' It is the long look ahead that enables our eineers to anticipate the future ' it needs of each locality and to provide increased telephone facilities when needed : 1 most efficiently and economically. ' , f The public is best served by this policy of anticipating rather than trailing in I the rear of a community 's advancement -2 I J The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co t "METZ Five Passenger Touring Car i Modernly Epuipped, Electric Starter and Lighting Light-ing System Quick Demountable Tires " $600 f. o. b. WALTHAM MASS.' Roadster and Express Cars proportionately Cheaper. A. G. ANDERSON (The Honey Man) Agent for Heaver and Iron Counties ALPHEUS SHARP, Demonstrator 4 The Food Value of Sugar Plus the Goodness of Fruit You'll appreciate ant a body fuel as pure what is means next win- sugar. Combine this ter if your cellar con- with real health-giving tains a liberal supply of ProPerties of home can-canned can-canned fruit. "ed fruit and yu have ! TTnWI1 , , tne maximum in food Hardly a food can be values. mentioned which con- Mother's winter fruit tains as 'much energy will Joe right and will and which is as import- keep well if she uses- Utah-Idaho Sugar ABSOLUTELY PURE (Ztlr Just the 'Typewriter rfcwl forYou, H-y-V- J.i liL lllll II I H Ululi Mil i linn in in hi y f C?s "-rX"- : --Yi SOLD ON JUST THE TERMS I THAT SUIT YOU I? I The II 0ur,1?tcs,t Product, the latest tiling in typewriters, the $ machine for which YO U have been waiting f I 'n?,,"lUn!?r "a"r wl l'V'!rr U,an tbc '"danl Remington I moduli weighs only 17 pour.Uj. I nec-ded.'" V" lickly learn to oj.-mtc it Nolans 3 It has all the Xemitiglon cssrnlfoh, sl!iiv1.-,-l k-v).o-,H -nvl-.nl & 1 raonth!d eilhLr f'jr CaSh r n a5y IJa',nents ?5 down and f 5 a 1 a You are not aslied tc lniy g S the Remington Junior E' .' ' 'VirJ' .'! nnu,i ,.. g I u"lilf 5-"u know exactly u W f iMMUMiffl I 1 what you arocat.nK. Wc .-y . R v.ill send it on ten days' . a I examination to any ad- Remington Typewriter CompaDV, I S dress within the first an-1 i!....r;,rat..j) g 5 second parcel prist Z'.ik 3 327 Broadway, New York. S of any Remington lranch 4 A oftice. If you decide not Srr.d mt a Rcn.incton J-ir.ior Type- I fS to keep it, return within writer, fric -. 50, on free r.an.itation. I : 1 lrn days no obligation ondmt.iMl ilut 1 may mum tl,e machine, 8 I involved. if I ch.,wr, within trn days. If I decide ( Here is your chance, vour t0 Pu'na'e I agree to pay for k in 10 ' $ first chance, to j. t" the monthly payments of j each, IS typewriter vou have al- 9 ' f I v. ays neeiled". Cut oat this I coupon and send it to us. " I it Beaver County News, County Agents |