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Show TVTK OK I T MI. MX HK.TAKY OF STATK'S OFKICK. I David Mattson. Secretary of State of 'the State of Utah, do hereby certi-fv certi-fv that the forea-oim.' is a foil, true and rorr. ,-t copy of !'' .TOIVT "'"P LIT' 'X yv.'-'t :- - ;.rnv:d.- - am.-ndinent to Section 17, Article 7, ot ! the l 'onstitut ion ot the State of Utah. I a-lnuns to the duties of the Auditor! ami of tile T r.-asure r, as appears of rec- ord In me ofiii-e. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto; s'-t my hand and affixed the Great Seal ot the Slate of Utah, this 2-nd day ot Auiaisl, ltilC. ! DAVID MATTSOX, j Secretary of State. |