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Show OUR CANDIDATES CHARLES E. HUGHES CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS LET'S KEEP AT HOME THE OLD FLAG JfSpj ( ABROAD RESPECTED ON THE SEA THE NEW ATKIN HOTEL The beauty of it.s spacious public rooms, as veil as its daintily inviting chambers, is most unusual in this part of the State. This hotel meets the wan ts of men ami women of exceptional excep-tional tastes at a most much lower than you would except. Every improvement and convenience at your call. The best thought of, and most talked of hotel in Southern Utah. A LA CARTE SERVICE AT MODERATE COST filford Leather Goods Company j I WHIPS .- HARNESS - SADDLERY f S HARNESS AND SADDLES I - ! Built to Order J j! j 'i Auto Tops Dressed and Recovered 5 I t J SHOE REPAIRING NEATLY DONE DOBSON'S THE NEW STORE ' APPAREL FOR MEN. CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY J HILFORD REALTY COMPANY ! McGARRY BUILDING r I UNING, GOVERNMENT LAND, INSURANCE ' Cleaing and Dyeing il at City Prices Work Guaranteed. We prepay the Return Express or Parcel Post Charges. Clothes Insured MEN'S PRICE LIST. Long 20c French Dry or Steamed Clean- Men's 15c ed and Pressed. LADIES' PRICE LIST. Suits : $1.50 Coats . 1.00 Dry Cleaned and Vests, fancy 50 Pressed Waists Vests, plain 25 silk or fancy ..$ 1.00 to $1.25 Pants 50 Waists, plain 75 to 1.00 Overcoats 1.50 Skirts 75 to 1.50 Ulsters 2.00 Jackets 1.00 to 3.00 Pants 50 Opera Coats 2.00 to 3.00 Suits Pressed 75 Cravenettes 1.50 Overcoat Pressed 75 Tailor Suits .... 1.50 to 2.00 Coats Pressed .50 1 -piece dresses.. 1.50 to 3.00 Pants Pressed 25 Wrappers and DYED AXD PRESSED. Kimonos 1.00 to 1.50 . - r"!- DYED AXD PRESSED. . Suits $3.00 $.5.oO Coats 1.75 2.00 lilack Colors Overcoats 3.00 3.50 Waists $1.00 to $1.25 Vests 50 .50 Skirts 1.50 to 2.50 Pants 1.25 1.25 Coats 2.00 to 3.00 GLOVES. Jackets 1.00 to 2.00 Short 10c Suits 3.00 to 3.50 Special Prices on Other Work, Plaiting, Repairing, etc., Will be Made on Application WORK GUARANTEED CLOTHES INSURED DALY AND HARRIS PHONE NO. 29 I Milford Pharmacy Block i Phone Wasatch 230 1 W. II. Englcman, Sec. and Treas. Associated Consulting Engineers ASSAY AM) CHEMISTRY DEI'Ali TMEXT Do not waste m.-m-y oa assays of dead rock. Have your ore tesleiT by us. A nominal charge of 50 cents is made for reporting the pn sent v or absence of any o itu of the following 25 metals, or $10 for a quality live analysis of nil 25 motols: Tt'nit.'Icn. Molys-dentini. Molys-dentini. Tin. Nickel. Col-all. .Mercury. Chromium. Iron. Disnuith. Arsenic. Antimony. CopniT. GU. H'lvor, Lot!, r.arium. Strontium, Calcium Zinc, Manganese, ('allium. .Magnesium. . luun'nnm. Vanadium Vanad-ium and l'otash. 'Tests for any other metals than listed a hove will he made for $1 for each metal sought. 11 You niav not lie getting paid for valuable constituents of your ores V Assays anil analysis of all natural or artiiicial products made. Trices quoled on application. ' liCoiistruclion Department, S. M. Morris. Designers of Mine, Mill. Power Industrial Plants. Steel and Concrete Structures. lAliniag Depart nicui , V. 11. I'arker. .Mine- examinations and reports, re-ports, mineralogists, ore shipper's representatives. "'Metallurgy and Chemistry, A. 10. Cuslor. Metallurgical testing laboratories, practical mill lests of all kinds, process investigations. P. I'ougoot, Manager, j 0O2-003 DOOLY" i'.LOCK, SALT LAKE CITY. |