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Show lp-Are lp-Are You Looking Old? 3ut Old age comes quick enough v a out inviting it. Some look oIion forty. That is because they ne-ee Jhe liver and bowels. Keep ker jowels regular and your liver htouri ind you will not only feel yo wa -jut look younger. When trt (jje nth constipation or biliousnesgijce Chamberlain's" Tablets. They p0ur nded especially for these a,iey nd are excellent. Easy to ti Two pounds of breast of veal or stewing veal, 2 tablespoonfuls of cut onion, one bay leaf, two teaspoonfuls of salt, one-eighth of pepper, one- fourth cupful of vinegar, two table-spoonfuls table-spoonfuls of flour, two tablespoonfuls of parsley. The meat is cut the same as for stewing. Rinse it in cold wa- ter; put on with one pint of boiling ; water; add the onion and bay leaf ; and boil for an hour and a half. Remove Re-move bay leaf; add salt and pepper, and boil for fifteen minutes. Add vinegar, and flour which has been mixed until smooth with a little cold water. Boil for three minutes. Sprinkle with parsley. A Meat-flavor Dish. One pound of dried lima beans, one-half pound of smoked bacon, one teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful I of grated onion, one-half teaspoonful of thyme, one egg, one-eighth teaspoonful tea-spoonful of paprika. Soak, and boil the beans with the bacon; drain, I and put through a food chopper when ; cold. Add the seasoning and the : egg well beaten. Save a little of the egg to brush the tops. Brush custard cus-tard cups with bacon drippings, and (ill with the mixture. Brush the tops with the egg, and bake for thirty minutes in a moderate oven. Turn out. Serve with tomato sauce. : Plain ISrown Stow. Two pounds of neck boef. or three pounds with bone, one cupful of cut potato, one table spoonful of caramel, cara-mel, two teaspoonfuls of salt, one-eighth one-eighth teaspoonful of pepper one-half one-half teaspoonful of thyme, two tablespoonfuls table-spoonfuls of flour. Senr meat. Searing Sear-ing moans to put into a hot oven with one teaspoonful of drippings, or over a hot fire, and brown both sides quickly so it will "retain the juice. Boil slowly two hours: add onion; i if water boils down, add more there must be two oupfuls of gravy add potatoes, salt, peprer. thyme; boil thirty-five minutes. Mix flour with caramel and a little cold water, add to gravy, boil three minutes and serve. Beef Stew with Hominy. One and one-half pounds neck of beef, two tablespoonfuls of cut onion, two teaspoonfuls of sugar, tw-o teaspoonful tea-spoonful of salt, one-eighth teaspoonfuls teaspoon-fuls of pepper, two eupfuls of strained strain-ed tomatoes, two tablespoonfuls of flour, four eupfuls of boiled hominy. Wipe meat; cut into two-inch pieces; , boil rapidly twenty minutes with two I cupfuls of boiling water. Add onion, sugar, salt and pepper; boil slowly two hours and a half. Add tomatoes; boil ten minutes. Mix with cold water wa-ter until smooth, add all to meat; boil three minutes. There should be two eupfuls of gravy. Serve with border of hominy and parsley. Minced Meat on Toast. Two pounds neck of beef boiled with bone, three eupfuls of lean meat, one tablespoonful of butter, one tablespoonful of onion juice, two tablespoonfuls of flour, one cupful of stock, one tablespoonful of finely cut parsley, one-eighth teaspoonful of pepper, one teaspoonful of caramel, two teaspoonfuls of salt, one-eighth teaspoonful of paprika. Run the meat through a food chopper; to it add a cupful of sauce made as follows: fol-lows: Melt the butter; add the onion juice and flour, and mix until smooth. Add the stock slowly, and boil for three minutes; add the parsley par-sley and seasoning; pour over the meat, and mix well. Serve on toast points, garnished with parsley. Filled Roasted Breast of Veal. Three pounds of breast of veal, two teaspoonfuls of salt, a pinch of pepper, one tablespoonful of flour, one tablespoonful of grated onion, three teaspoonfuls of poultry seasoning. season-ing. Have a pocket cut in the veal: and the bone cracked. Wipe meat, fill, and sew up vent. Add salt, pepper, pep-per, sprinkle with flour, and one tablespoonful of drippings. Put in hot oven with one cupful of old water, wa-ter, when seared reduce heat, and baste with another cupful of water. Filling: Melt one tablespoonful of drippings; add onion and bread soaked soak-ed in water five minutes and pressed between hands. Cook slowly; add poultry seasoning, stirring constantly. |