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Show 'VST ' " ' HARMONY THE WATCHWORD. The Republican county convention is a thing of the past. There could not help but be regrets on the part of communities and of individuals, over the results. Whatever such disappointments may be left, they should be forgotten. Milford, for instance, felt, and does yet, that she was entitled to name a Commissioner from this town. She worked to that end and hoped that her work would not be in vain, but it was. Is Milford sulking about it? Not at all; Milford Mil-ford is in the fight for the county ticket as named and will be found doing her full share. What, at one time, threatened to be a cloud over the peace and harmony of local Republicans, was happily dispelled dis-pelled in the convention. There is no issue between Milford Republicans as individuals or as factions. The saloon issue is a "deader" and there should be no. mention of the subject again. While the News is in favor of a "dry" town, it is fair enough to concede con-cede that there are many excellent men, and good business men, also, who believe otherwise. But that question has been buried; let's not dig up the corpse and fight over it. -All our local citizens have to consider con-sider at this time, is the good of the community and of the county. . Petty jealousies and personal bickerings bick-erings never yet built up and developed a community. commun-ity. Let's all' pull together for the. good of Milford and for the county as a whole. It is pretty generally conceded that in the county coun-ty election, partv lines will not be so strictly drawn as in the State. There will be more or less "crossing of wires" on both sides of the political partition. We m ast remember that our votes should be cast for the nominee who are best fitted, morally, mentally and pt actk-ally, fur tie several offices which they sock. Republicans believe that I hey have a good ticket in this respect, and so far as is consistent with the iik-a of "county-wide oTieiency," the ReimMican ticket sHov.M bo supported lv county Republicans. In the state and national light, of course, it is conceded' tiiat all loal Republicans will vote the i |