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Show Classified Advertisements INSURE THAT AUTO It it isn't worth it, you ouRhtn't to own it. Do it now. See Cameron Arlington Arling-ton right away. You'll find him in Milford. Adv. tf FOR SALE 40 or 80 acres of first class land cheap. Address Box 9S, Milford, Utah. Adv. FOR SALE Light weight tractor. Fully equipped and in excellent condition. One-half factory price. Inquire of Milford Distributing Co. Adv. tf FOR SALE A few choice lots; easy terms. See J. Matthews. Adv. FOR SALE OR TRADE A good span of Work Mules. Enquire at Xews Office. Adv. FOR SALE Several horses, cheap, mares and geldings. Orpheum hotel, Milford. Phone 81. Adv. FOR SALE The new McDonald Apartments, $600 down, $81 per month $5,100 in all; will take the building. Six apartments. Call on or address J. K. McDonald, Milford. Mil-ford. Adv. MANGANESE MIXE FOR SALE Assays over 4 2 per cent. Opened ready for ore to he taken out. For , further information write Mrs. M. J. Loring, Monroe, Utah. Adv. Fitted and unfitted Horse Shoes, all styles and kinds, at Burns & Bird Co. Adv. tf FOR EXCHANGE Forty acres of deeded land in New Mexico, three miles from town. Value $1,500. Want stock of goods or furniture, or house in town. Enquire at Xews Office. Adv. tf FOR EXCHANGE 150 acres of timber tim-ber in Coleville County, Wash- ington. Original growth 2 niill- " ' ' ion feet. Want land or house in , .. town. Value $3,500. Enquire al v , News Office. Adv. tf WANTED Second hand 6 h. p. gas engine. See B. H. Matteson, Mil ford. Adv. ti FOR RENT 12 acres of land close in, with 120 shares of water stock See owner, A. C. Ferguson. Adv If you want the best in Painting Kalsomining and Decorating, go t( R. G. Siewert. Adv. t .. irom your nelgnbors too need money. That will an insight into their af- l JTJJ :h you can talk over with l!; neighborhood; it is cheer-to cheer-to talk about Bill Jones' with all the township. It est the merchants with 1 carries an account; also r who holds Bill's note, due -5; th. r nine or more neighbors 1155 ust as hard up as you are. VC" can help you. Call a meet- who' want to borrow. The n or more of you must lipi least $20,000 or you can- ijfj ent- and, aside from any build- , 'A N her improvements, would (j "jS sheriff's sale for $4,000 j '.tied to borrow .$2,000 on !J are buildings that cost f '.o build, five years ago, appraised now. say, at ( vou can borrow $3 0 0 :l ft FOR SALc, une -puujr Jugfay anu harness; one four-horse fresno; one seven-foot disk, good as new; one brush grubber; one set of heavy work harness. Enquire of A. C. Ferguson. Adv. 10-6-tf. Ferguson. Adv. 10-6-tf. If you are looking for results, re-sults, advertise your wants in our want Column. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is a medicine that every family fam-ily should be provided with.. Colic and diarrhoea often come on suddenly sud-denly and it is of the greatest importance im-portance that they be treated prompt-. prompt-. ly. Consider the suffering that must be endured until a physician arrives or medicine can be obtained. Chara- berlain's Colic, Cholera and Di-i Di-i arrhoea Remedy has a reputation ; second to none for the quick relief ! which it affords. Obtainable every- where. 5; Now is the time to fix storm cur -ins. , All kinds of auto tops re muring. Milford Leather Good! ompany. Adv. 10-6-tf. 1 Everything for the horse. Milfort v ither Goods Company. Adv. 10 7 tt. . & w . i 4very kiddie should sleep in one of our Patent Iron Beds YlYYYijY Smith t Davis Mf. Co. St. Louis ! The Elastic Spring and 1 Adjustable Foot Lift are , features that any mother will appreciate prica $12.00 i ! Burns a M Co. -'; Milford, Utah s Phor.e 17 Harness built to order. Milford Leather Goods Company. Adv. 10-6-tf. Half-soles sewed on, $1. Milford Leather Goods Company. Adv. 10-6-tf. J"The Kind Mother Uses" "Every time mother gets out Calumet Calu-met I know there's going to be good things to eat at our house. Delicious, tender, tempting, doughnuts, biscuits, cakes and pies! I've never seen a bake-day bake-day failure with Calumet. Motha says it's the only llakin Powder thi.i ""jnsures uniform results. R,-cei--cc' Hic'iest Award u ' ' ' i ' Y uft ;;."..., .i: r 1 -' '' , e.VV - i ; - .v. .-' .-'.. ! v-...- ' Y" . .' ' ' " ' Y -; Y . ; " . - I Rexall Store T " n :SY"YY Itegy No store in Milford is as well stocked and or- Bi:t ganized to take care of your every day need '--i- ' however small it may be. We know that we cannot continue to increase our business unless we give the people an honest, square deal. We carry a line of drugs and drug sundries larger than any store in Southern Utah. Whether it be F.ever Thermometers, Hot Water Bottles, Fountain Syringes, Plasters, Bandages, Atomizers, Ato-mizers, Ice Bags, Stationery, or Toilet Goods. The full quality, value is assured if purchased at the ff Rexail Store .YY L. D. BROOKS, Prop. Y ;-Y; Y MILFORD, UTAH CANDIDATES Get your Political Printing and Advertising done at the News Office QUIRK DRUG CO. j DEPENDABLE DRUGGIST MILFORD, UTAH. Special Attention to Mail Orders . We Handle a Full Line of Drugs, Toilet Articles, Candies, Cigars, Rubber Goods and Stationery. Headquarters for Pensular, A. D. S. and Associated Pharmacist Hemedies Milford Distributing Co. Agents for Union Oil of Cal. Meets any Price with the Best of Quality and Good Service OILS, GAS AND DISTILLATE V 1 SAFE LAND I ; g -SAFE MARKETS g ; SAFE WATER S 1 DESIRABLE CLIMATE The Company is prepared to offer experienced f dairymen exceptionally desirable terms ,j K Y WHOkliU Otbtfiillh.y uO. ;:; 'it 711 HOLUNGSWORTH BUILDING, or MILFORD, UTAH LOS ANGELES, CAL. -r - |