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Show Golf Club and Livestock Association Near Final Decision on Future Plans Department Shed Shuffle Considered in Overall Plans Final decision may be reached this week on the question ques-tion of location of a golf course for Cedar City, location of the proposed livestock show barn, and also location of a central site for city shops and sheds. Jf the decisions are reached work should be started on all three soon. Golf association officials have decided that the most feasible location for the proposed golf course would be at the municipal airport, not particularly because it offers more advantages for a golf course but rather because of the availability of water. By the Installation of a filter system the overflow from the sewer system sys-tem can be used for sprinkling of a golf course at the airport, where it would be necessary to use water from the culinary system sys-tem if the site north of the city is used. The airport site offers almost as ideal conditions as i the site north of town, so with tha water advantage the association associa-tion leaders nave decided to change to this site. Wait Council Action If satisfactory agreements on water rental can be worked out with the city council in meeting tonight, the development of a course at the airport will undoubtedly un-doubtedly receive final approval and work should get under way soon. It has been proposed by some that the livestock barn, In which to stage the annual Southern Utah Livestock Show, be erected on Highway 91 north of the city and immediately east of the cemetery, the same area originally origin-ally proposed for the golf course, If the golf course Is moved to the airport this would clear the way for the location of the barn on this site. Final decision should be forthcoming soon after final action ac-tion by the golf association. Alternate Proposal However, another proposal has arisen In connection with the establishment u a livrstuck auction auc-tion firm in Cedar City. This group headed by Lee Esplln of St. Ceorge as president, and supported sup-ported by livestock men from all parts of southern Utah, plans to build an auction barn at the railroad rail-road stockyards west of the city. This group has proposed that the Southern Utah Livestock Show Associalton Join with the auction auc-tion firm and erect a barn suf ficiently large to handle the annual an-nual show, and which could be used as a livestock auction facility fa-cility throughout the year. The annual report meeting of the show association will be held at El Escalante Hotel In Cedar City Saturday night, nd the Invitation In-vitation by the auction group will undoubtedly be discussed and perhaps acted on at that time. New CltY Sheds Mayor Arnold Anderson also reports that if the golf association associa-tion moves Its project to the air-port air-port and makes the land north of town available for other uses, the city will undoubtedy develop centralized yard and shop facilities facili-ties for the streets and water and sewer departments of the city. If this Is done the streets facility Immediately south of the cemetery ceme-tery will be moved to land fst of the business buildings along Highway 91. This change will be made to make the land now occupied oc-cupied available for development develop-ment of a monument to Cedar pioneers In the form of a replica of the first blast furnace built In this area. In addition the shops located on the recreation field east of the city and used by the water department, will also be moved to the new site. New shops are badly needed by the department the mayor says, and the old sheds not only detract from the recreation field, but are a definite defin-ite fire hazard under present eon-dltlons. eon-dltlons. Establishments of the new city yards and shop will not Inter, fere In any way with the development devel-opment of the livestock show barn north of the city If the association as-sociation official select this site, the mayor said. |