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Show f CALIFORNIA-PACIFIC j UTILITIES COMPANY! i Quarterly dividends payable Jung 1 i J to shareholders of record June 15, . have been declared at the following J i rates per share: J 5 Preferred 25 J 5 Convertible Preferred . 25 5Vi Convertible Preferred 27ft Common 22Vit D. J. Ley, vicimn a rnut J J April IS, 1964 J fi For fat everyday Vt cleaning. Clean up after lU meait... after children 11 ...after company. I SEE!! " 1115 WAY CLEANING II ACTION III t -v-v i,oL PH cUanina pswar J - ?, 4 udM Haiti .' 1 1 ! jONLV t ri 2495 1 1 Model 100A 1 Cleans x carpeted or i I bare floors 1 f Whisks Weighs K J '1 only I i 'I elMn 7 lbs. I M Sweeps Sanitized f t ,B Du, Disposable I . I "n" Oust Bag 1 I '"ni.ture Hangs Ul !U" an a hook Approved Lifetime Lubricated )k Tj. mt Cedar Home Furnishings : Z I If you feel neglected, think of Whistler's father. jj ItgMgfcl Custom ... i Two Typewriters In One! !' ji i' ' ""' n r rojHu A T '! 1 1 Royal Portable Prices Start at ! lijd pft- I Other Models $69.95. $99.95, S 1 1 9.95. S 1 29.00 j i Selcct-A-Type- ($10 Value) j; '! CI) EC WITH PURCHASE OF NEW j! 1; IlICC ROYAL CUSTOM PORTABLE I; Come In and see this new OTHER EXCLUSIVE j! !; Royal Select-O-Bar that FEATURES... j i Instantly changes a stand- ! ! ard typewriter into a pro- Magic Margin ! fessional model in sec- Change ribbons in 10 1 ! 1 1 onds. You have to see it seconds. ! j ! to believe it! Prints math- m Fuii.ci7, ook(lv j ematic. engineering, med- kevtoard ! ! ; i ical or druggist, language -yuoara. , '! or internation symbols or Type between lines ! characters. with Royal's Line 1 1 ASK US FOR ANY Finder. ; '! SPECIAL CHARACTER Four Handsome !' !; OR SYMBOL Decorator Colors. jj O Lay-Away for Graduation : Southern Utah Office Machines & Supply ij 27 North Main Cedar City, Utah Phone 586-S139 " xiX3 1,1 'A w-'' ; , mrtV . Jj , Since 1696 Light Olympia Beer has been brewed only at Tumwater, Washington. The reason i3 refreshingly clear r the Water Olympia Brmvuif Compcny, Tumwotrr, near Olympia, Watkinfinn . Oiy 4-44 fWe have genuine parts available when you need them. CHUCK GAMBLE " !l!!!D Part Mgr. U - BRADSHAW CHEVROLET COMPANY F 1 mim Cl I taf 1 any Nitrogen Fertilizers Intermountain Farmers Association RUPERT HULET I Branch Manager 4m, ' - - ' Late spring slow you down? Let bulk application speed you up! You'll have a crowded work Nitrogen Fertilizers can advise schedule this year because of late you on the fertilizer recommend- 1 winter weather. But you can ex- ations for your land. He can pro- I pand your work force with the vide accurate and uniform appli- i help of bulk fertilizer application cation. Because he handles USS by your nearby USS Nitrogen Nitrogen Fertilizers, made by Fertilizer Dealer. United States Steel, he offers the The dealer who carries USS tops in quality. Speed up your field work now with a call or visit to the USS Nitrogen Fertilizer dealer. (US) Nitrogen Fertilizers |