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Show Junior High Students Present P-TA Program The Junior hign school parent-Teachers parent-Teachers Association presented an unusually fine Christmas program pro-gram last Thursday evening under un-der the direction of Mrs. Blanche Dotson, president, and Mrs. Leila Whatcott, program chairman. A large crowd enjoyed the program and those present were served refreshments at the close of the affair, which was held in the First ward chapel. A feature of the program was a talk on Christmas observance in Germany and Czechoslovakia, by Dale Tingey, Seminary instructor. in-structor. Musical numbers included songs by the 35-member junior high school chorus under the direction di-rection of A.'E. Rich; three numbers num-bers by a string ensemble composed com-posed of Marilyn Halversen, Mary Ellen Edmunds, Sandra Lang-ford. Lang-ford. Dan Alan Webster. Nancy Dix, accompanied by Diane Coo-ley, Coo-ley, the first such ensemble organized or-ganized at the Junior high. A saxophone solo by Lane Merry-weather, Merry-weather, accompanied by Diane Cooley. Songs by a boys' quartet composed of Larry Lowder, Lane Merryweather, Vernon Singleton and LaVar Short. An accordion duet by Karl Bradshaw and Boyd Dover, and numbers by the ladies lad-ies trio composed of Gladys Isom, Luana Riddle and Naida Gardner, Gard-ner, accompanied by Mary Jane Seaman. |