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Show RICHLAND NEWS (FORMERLY BEBYL NEWS) On Thursday night, Dec. 1, the Escalante Valley Women's club held a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Otis Walters. Hostesses Host-esses were the incoming and cut-going cut-going officers of the club. Approximately Ap-proximately 30 women attended. Christmas decorations were on display for ideas for interior and exterior decorations. The decorations decora-tions were furnished and made by Mrs. Fern Johnson, Iron County Coun-ty home demonstration agent, and several ladies of the club. Refreshments were served and gifts exchanged. Wednesday night, Dec. 17, Prof. Edwin L. Peterson, head of the political science department of the Branch Agricultural college at Cedar City, gave a lecture for the people of the valley at the Escalante Valley school house. His subject dealt with world affairs. af-fairs. j Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moyle gave a party at their home Friday evening, Dec. 19. There were 18 couples present. Games were played and refreshments were served. A very , enjoyable evening eve-ning was spent by those present Monday evening the Escalante Valley school presented a Christmas Christ-mas program. Santa Claus visited visit-ed the children and presented them with gifts of candy. The upper grade children presented a play and the younger boys sang songs, such as "Frosty the Snowman," Snow-man," and carried out the theme by being dressed as snow men. The, younger girls, were dressed in white costumes and sang the songs "Snowflakes", and "Candlelight." "Can-dlelight." The program was under un-der the direction of Mrs. J. E. Moyle and Mr. Hal Bennion, teachers at the Escalante Valley school. The children were accompanied accom-panied by Mrs. J. C. McGarry at the piano. Mrs. McGarry also prepared the scenery for the program. pro-gram. Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Walters left Monday evening to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Walters in San Ardo, Calif. Mr. andMx s.Br uno Biasi have gone to visit with their folks at San Fernando for the holidays. At the last general meeting of the Coordinating Council, held recently, new officers were elected, elect-ed, with Bruno Biasi elected as president to succeed Otto Fife, who has held the office for two consecutive years. Alex Wood replaces re-places Alfred Pedersen as vice president, and Mrs. Marty Wood replaces Mrs. Myrtle Thompson, as secretary and treasurer for ,the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson and family are spending the holidays holi-days with relatives in Long Beach. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter and family accompanied by Frank Hard, father of Mrs. Hunter, Hunt-er, left Tuesday for San Diego, Calif., to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter, former residents of Richland, and Mrs. Hunter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Godard of Cedar City are the parents of a new baby boy. Jerry is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Godard of Richland. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Scott are are the parents of a new baby. |