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Show pJVANT ADS OF jA(ILLIONS. l(il(llflCiCit(!(iififtftci(iciciCiliClCtCl(C(CCCfCCCl'CtCtCl I THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS AT JONES-CRAWFORD MOTOR CO. j I 1952 CHEVROLET 'z-ton Pickup I (Black), Radio, Heater, Like new g 1952 DE SOTO Firedome 8 I (Two-tone. Maroon and Gray). Heater, Radio, Premium Tires ; 1950 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-door 1 (Blue). Heater and Radio jU3! 8 I 1 950 DE SOTO Custom 4-door ; (Green). Radio, Heater . j- i 1949 PLYMOUTH 4-door : ! (Black). Radio, Heater I 1943 DE SOTO Custom 4-door 5 (Maroon). Heater and Radio 1948 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe I (Maroon). New Motor, Heater and Radio 1948 CHEVROLET Fleetiine 4-door (Gray). Heater and Radio j MANY OTHERS S TIis Bar That TaliQsYauJhrouqh A Uhen Jo 'Bthari0A 4-l"Jheel-Brive mints STATION VM0H Slippery mud and bad roads won't stop you in a 4-Whecl-Drive Willys Station Wagon, powered by the high-compression high-compression Hurricane Engine. All-wheel traction takes you through when other cars are stopped cold. We invite you to road-test this remarkable car your best assurance of transportation under all conditions. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY '53 MODELS Willys Intermountain. Inc Dealers and Distributors 333 Soutti 3rd East Dial 9-3751 Salt Lake City. Utah 5 i 1 i qulelidel I s S 2 Our hearts 1 1 and voices are filled with best v wishes for all 2 our friends. jj 2 S I ft I and Snack Bar J i a taste of vJ the good lim&M days ' Wim&0 . M A Mqsem David "K The Home-Sweet-Home Wine JiSfj ft Like Grandma Used to Make jij J H gal y I MsW W loffM I? ft Wli Corporation of Amarica Chicago 32, lllinob HOLIDAY TOM a3 O iXy twY O i Here's a Wonderful Spot to be in at HOLIDAY TIME YES. ITS El N to lr uy-iiijtal uy-iiijtal Hotel I luh riplit now . . on"rr in llir heart of Mill ijiki 's holiday rxcitr-tirnl. rxcitr-tirnl. For inslatier, llirrc December 25: A wonderful, oIA-fashloned oIA-fashloned Christmas Dinner for the whole family in Hotel Utah's Empire Room or Coffee Shop. December 27: Utah Opera Theatre Thea-tre "Marriage of Figaro", Kingsbury Hall. December 31 January 1: Salt Lake's grandest New Year's Eve party and New Year's Day-Dinners Day-Dinners at Hotel Utah. . . Come lliis week. And be sure of welcome ehoicf of room, lu Sail Like'tv mosl popular dining, by laying l Mod Corpcnttr, Monofpr - 5C!. 3K 1 ...(he Sett l9V: "I ' ate iie(... . 1 ( 5 ' Si ! . . f : 3" WWe'rewishingyoii HrH a b'gger .better, ggf ' and happier New & 5i i Year for 1953. 3: I 1 s ' IK poberts Furniture and Appiiaacsg t iter. ?ot 5ut s: h: 5: 5: 5: ?s: !i 5tf !i: :: o |