Show TOP GRADE GROCERY be wise too to pat x ionize your local merchants when 4 v ever you possibly can the money you spend at home stays at home when you spend your earnings in it your home town you help build our town into a better place in which to live you stimulate more act I 1 ll 11 supplies bew wew rill and used F compressor IS hose fittings picks shovels wheelbarrows hard hats rubber boots neoprene jackets trousers BLASTING SUPPLIES powder caps fuse lead crampers Crim pers J CK ek e K HAMMERS AND LEGS set bits electric and carbide lamps Sl ushers wire rope S M SALES CO COMPLETE ONE STOP SERVICE AL AL 15 ir S h D ms ce s A I 1 I 1 shopping in r md e fiaai k R i v e r ive business in your community you help provide clean schools well paved and well lighted streets and adequate protection of law enforcement agencies support our town DO YOUR SHOPPING AT HOME HOMEI patronize your community EAT at tha ELGIN cafe V plenty of good food for the working man OPEN 24 hrs A DAY WWI f 1 64 Z bt URE YOU arriet H haire your car L w 1956 now showing the new line of spartan mobile homes where at your friendly spartan dealers come in and see for yourself the ultimate in modern mobile living finest furnishings modern appi ances roomy interiors in a variety of colors harmonized throughout each model construction you bet all aluminum for ever lasting beauty riveted for greatest strength no nails to rust no wooden beams to rot or well swell see the the new naw spartan today where at your friendly spartan Deal dealer ertl i at 0 only 14 down it up to 7 years to pay at 5 bank rates AETNA TRAILER SALES A ko I 1 V f for information call bill bistor mar mgr north avenue phone grand junction colorado |