Show school and community to be judged on sportsmanship at basketball game in an effort to improve sportsman ship and inter school relations the student councils of the high school of this region have instituted a plan calling for ratings and awards in sportsmanship the plan was initially developed at the region 5 student council convention held in green river late in november the plan calls for each competing school to be judged on sportsman ship at each game played judging will be done by written ballot by sch ool officials and by spectators in green river this friday night for example arden sherrill our stu dent body president will supply sh beets for himself mr gledhill cheer leader arlene sherrill and three fans to be selected As soon as the game is over these six people will fill out their papers and give them to ar den sherrill this procedure will be carried out in each of our ten lea guge games at the end of the sea son total points will be figured out in a meeting of student body pres identa each school will be awarded a gold silver or bronz sportsman ship plaque to denote the level of sportsmanship reached it is hoped that everyone will be conscious of this new plan and will help the school gain a high enough rating to relieve a gold plaque |