Show 3 new directors named to board of blue goose mine farmington Farnung ton N M three new directors have been named to the board of blue goose mining inc a corn pany statement said today new directors are V L brown L C lumpkins and robert B foutz all of ton torL brown a partner in the law firm of tansey brown will be secretary of the corporation and lumpkins who is secretary trea surer and office manager of foutz bursum construction co will be blue goose treasurer robert B foutz a real estate broker is a part ner in the firm of bennett and foutz L E murray of farmington re mains as president and director and W P knight of midland te texas as vice president and director changes in the blue goose board follow purchase of corporate control by J L foutz of farmington and associates J L foutz is president of copper canyon mining industries inc drilling on blue goose property in the circle cliffs of garfield coun ty utah recently has blocked out a high grade ore body that may tot al 50 tons |