Show utah economic and business review reasons for locating industrial plants in utah is the lead article in the december issue of the utah economic and business review just published at the university of utah illustrated to show utah s central position among the 11 western states the article cites the state s economic social cultural and resources po and quotes aror prominent indest rial leader s reasons for establishing in the beehive state A companion article this is th the e place by marian adams also points out salient facts about utah of appeal to business and industrial firms seeking an international site or out let since our national defense chiefs have taken an increased interest in utah we believe that informative articles such as these are important and helpful to all areas of the state 4 said osmond L harame director of the university of utah bureau of economic and business research the article points out that officials of the thermond Therm oid company the bar bizon corporation and eitel mccull ough inc all newcomers to utah were impressed with the adaptability and productivity of the utah labor force the high standard of living throughout the state the avail abil ity of natural resources and the st ate s beauty and opportunities for healthful relation rel axion i the review is published monthly at the university under a grant from the industrial development comm attee of the salt lake city chamber of commerce dr harline directs a staff of eight who compile and ana ayze the statistics A comparative report on business activity in the state is published monthly |