Show THE CHANGING UTAH ECONOMY CONOMY SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS C CP r UTAH LOCAL government local governments have exercised some initiative in solving their lems these methods may provide the pattern for other solutions vol unitary agreements have improved relations among police fire plan ning and other agencies salt lake city and county planning board I 1 have the same men serving on both boards thus establishing a coordinating liaison between the two extension of city services to other areas has been the method employed by salt lake city to provide water to eo adjacent areas similarly salt lake county in 1955 extended coun ty recreation services to salt lake city reducing service and tax dep li cation another method of eliminating tax duplication is for the county to offer tax exemptions to municipalities providing their own services A var is for the county to pro ide a tax refund or a grant to a mun municipality ty which pei perform form ra it own service these two methods are both used in salt lake county in exempt ing salt lake city from the county library tax and in giving financial aid for murray s library the local government survey commission has authorized a 1000 expenditure to be paid to the sity of utah for a study of various plans and actual experience with consolidation these might include the following I 1 complete county wide consolita cons con solida tion with only one unit of govern ment 2 city county sepe ration with each unit performing its own functions 3 subordinate districts wherein mu become county districts retaining modified local control 4 compound consolidation or fed eral plan with countywide county wide met ro politan government but with some local auto mony 5 functional consolidation with tain tam services transferred to either the cities or the county 6 ad hoc hoe districts wherein special districts are set up for special bunc eions use has been made of this procedure in utah for example mosquito abatement cemetery sew age and other special service dis tricas the utah code also makes provision for special fire protection districts but none has been hushed 7 multipurpose districts which aou id provide several services to met areas including city and county sections 8 extramural plan in which the central city is given limited juris diction and taxing power beyond its boundaries |