Show he blazed new air trails it was only a few years ago that the average citizen looked upon fly ing as a foolhardy adventure he was perfectly willing to leave it to that dedicated band of pioneers who built and flew the flimsy contrad eions that somehow got over the hump to usher in a new era of corn com mercial transportation glenn L martin who died recently in baltimore was one of that early group with vision and courage to carry on in the face of difficulties most people deemed un surmount able mr martin was a dreamer and a builder he had little to go on but faith and energy he scrimped and toiled and he jived to see ms lus ams fulfilled he became the head of a great aviation industry he wit hessed the slow moving develop ments that brought aviation to the fore as a mighty force in the amer ican way of life today millions fly with confidence in huge aircraft that are marvels of speed and dependability they can thank mr martin and those of his ilk who fearlessly blazed the trail debt to these men is incalculable |