Show THE OLD prospector SAYS dear editor remember the old style muzzle loading rifles and shotguns though I 1 saw some muzzle loading shotguns when I 1 was a boy none of em was in use but my father had a old cap and ball revolver revolve r along with a outfit for molding lead bullets that was handed down to him and I 1 shot it some my first hunting was done with a single barrel shotgun that cost 4 50 and it was as good a gun as some that cost around 21 now th ere wasn gasn t no smokeless powder then and us boys used new club shells that cost 35 or 40 cents a box of 25 when we shot a rabbit on a still day there was so much smoke in front of us we wed d have to run to the side to see whether we hit him no fooling them black powder shells were mighty powerful and in more ways than one we got a big kick out of shooting em in a recent speech george president of the CIO shore hit the nail on the head when he said that liberals are being too soft on communism I 1 m glad the head of th is big organization sees the danger of communism feller travelers and folks too liberal along this line as there s some of this scum in a few of the labor union locals that I 1 hope and feel certain hell he U soon git busy kick out another big danger in this coun try is that pretty sizable percentage of folks lean towards socialism wh ich is way down the road towards communism in some ways I 1 think our government has gone a little too fur down this road tolerance is being preached a lots and we re being told we ought to be liberal minded but we t be so tolerant that we don dont t do every thing possible to keep rats from gnawing away at the foundations of our democracy whether they re red I 1 pink or a paler shade yours truly THE OLD prospector |