Show the key hole by the desert rat how tune time flies has been a year ince since I 1 came to town that is correct if d those esquire ca lenders are to be depended on and if I 1 looked at the ane right figures on the calender it will soon be spring the days are getting longer and the snow will fade away under the warm sun shine and it will be time for us old desert rats to hit the trails again and see what the new year brings forth I 1 can hardly wait to put the pack on old sure foot and head for the lulls hills if a fellow could just stay out until the election was over in november just think how much po lotical hot air be he would miss it has already got started and nearly a year yet to surprising go how much human beings can endure what a wonderful country this would be if it all those politicians practiced what they preached the football football games are over s so 0 all you have to do is settle down and try and make enough money to pay your income tax for this year Did you ever stop to think that you are working for the government too the only difference is you don t get as many days off paid vacations sick leave traveling eapen expenses ses etc that some of the others donow don t feel bad about it for somebody has to work to pay the ones that don t work wish I 1 had gotten a bet ter education when a lot younger maybe I 1 could be among the smarter folks how many new years resolutions have you broken so far anyway it showed you had good intentions by making them even if you did not have enough will power to keep th em take more vitamins and build up your resistance and by the time you are ninety you will have more success especially in keeping some of the new years resolutions so far this winter the weather man has been very nice to us so s lets hope he don t get as mean as he he was last winter and give us all the north pole weather in one bundle bundled so much nicer when all the bad wea ther is spread out over several win guess I 1 will have to wait awhile longer to see how many of the uran ium aum prospectors get backor back or other words escaped the booby trap aay ium aum when they went home for the holidays and a new grub stake A lot of the promoters will probably not be back that is if they met some guys they promoted no news from my swede friend that I 1 assigned the research work too maybe he is not able to write yet maybe his big wife joined the pro eject time to get the paper and get back to camp besides there is not to much happening here in town folks will need a few more days to recuperate after all these holidays so adios I 1 P S old timer came by my camp a few days ago and said he was not coming to town until he run out of bacon and beans he sure is a queer character but aren t most all uran ium aum prospectors queer |