Show judge needs respect for law and a French poodle in a jaguar going 70 miles per hour with a police car in hot that s enough to make a cold sweat it was almost inevitable that such a set of circumstances should end in near tragedy and that s just what happened the senior judge of miami circuit court who was at the wheel of the sports car crashed into a motor cycle bearing two riders only the french poodle escaped injury while a certain amount of sym pathy is due the judge because of his injuries his lack of judgment his utter disregard for the lawis to be pitied it its s difficult enough to enforce speed laws and promote highway safety when courts are given full backing to the cause but when a judge himself virtually goes her ber seek seck on the highways flaunts the law and others are injured in the process there s danger that the public may lose respect for the law and those charged with its proper enforcement this was not the first tune time the miami judge had shown a yen for speed in 1953 according to news reports he was charged with going 50 miles per hour in a 25 mile zone at daytona beach at that time he denounced what he claimed was a daytona beach speed trap when a person is elected to high office and particularly when he sits in judgment on others he has a responsibility that cannot be taken lightly if he cant follow a pattern of law abiding conduct he doesn t deserve to be a judge |