Show respect presidents health 0 0 0 president eisenhower Elsen hower s health is becoming an unpleasant pawn in the political game the politicians them selves and persons supposedly out side politics are commenting too freely on the president presidents s health A docter who has risen to fame since president eisenhower Elsen hower s heart attack stepped completely outside the realm of medicine to say if he ran again he would vote for mr eis endower now secretary of the treasury humphrey speaking in thomasville Thomas ville recently said that president eisen hor hower er may run for re election reelection next year it if he believes his life can be spared long enough this comment is po maud lin it reflects on the dignity of mr eisenhower Elsen hower as an individual and has no place in discussing the cy of the united states the american people sincerely re gret mr eisenhower Elsen hower s heart attack they resent it being used either iii shrewd calculation or in senti sentiments menta ety as a maneuver in politics |