Show question not settled the latest plebiscite in the elpio sive basin has given the reg ion s pro german parties a good ma jonty but to europe s sorrow the question of what the should do is not yet settled unless level heads prevail the is sue may rise up again to disturb re lations between germany and fra nee nce in 1930 the pro german element in the voted 90 per cent in dav or of reunification with hitler s ger many in october of 1955 it rejected european status for the region by a vote of 68 per cent last week however the cit eizens approved outright reunion with germany only by a 63 9 per cent ma jonty under the constitution it takes 75 per cent to bring about the steps necessary for tion the german sympathizers in the region know that working out a fu ture course will take time and much delicate diplomacy even though the final end will probably be that the region will rejoin germany in the meantime tempers are vol atile in bonn and pans paris it can only be hoped that the french and germans will not permit the barance of this disputed oft issue to damage their otherwise improving relations |