Show eke ke hits russian sore spot a A curious factor in international relationships is emphasized by nikita khrushchev s speech in moscow on thursday he president eis endower and accused him in his christmas message of crude inter ference in the internal affairs of communist nations the ave nations immediately un der discussion are czechoslovakia poland hungary romania and bul gana garia at christmas time president ei isenhower sen hower broadcast to these nations during the christmas season I 1 want you to know that the amen ameri can people recognize the trials un der which you are suffering join in concern for the restoration of adiv freedoms and political liberty share your faith that right in the end will prevail to bring you once again among the free nations of the world obviously mr eisenhower Elsen hower was broadcasting to captive peoples with in captive states he held out to th cm em the hope of individual freedom and national liberty here he touched the nerve center of the russian political position the soviets contend that these nations have been completely absorbed with m the soviet union that they are little more than individual states within that union the eisenhower Elsen hower point of view that they are captive states ably caused khrushchev to flare ev en though he was courteous to mr air eisenhower Elsen hower himself he went so far as to speak respect for president eisenhower Elsen hower s reply was not per bonal answer to mr air eisenhower Elsen hower it was a warning to leave the captive states alone to regard them and ac ae capt them as asi permanent parts of the ithe soviet union this russian position is repugnant to the american people and they will not accept it they will contin ue regarding the captive nations as slave states they will continue whatever hat ever effort they can to aid these people to regain their freedom |