Show national political review by BONNIE WILSON green river high school graduate and student of political science university of utah unfortunately was not her aided by a world wide proclamation for peace but perhaps it will be come a reality during the course of the year 1955 brought us closer to existence coexistence co with russia a decision made by pure reason russia rea lazed not a moment too soon that existence coexistence co in the atomic age is the only decision that could have poss ably been reached the question now is can communism and capitalism exist together tog etherl russia during and shortly after I 1 the genea geneva conference in july ag reed to and complied with the west em world on many issues of extreme importance but the of a few months found the soviet union swinging her hammer and sickle as steadily and as heavily as before leaving the western world concern ed but not surprised they reached far into the middle east and africa during 55 and ac complis hed their purpose there th air attempt to conquer the whole of asia has reached a point of success ion the arm that swings the sickle is never s still till and the inevitable blow from the hammer is reverberated reverb rated a round the world 1956 has been termed by sec 0 of f agriculture ezra benson bonson as the booby trap year economy wise he stated that many citizens of our country will have a rude awakening aney are not completely aware 0 he problems that lie ahead concern mg ing united states economy he also stated that the percentage of income for farmers in 1955 was nearly 12 per er cent below that of previous years ears the unification of the two major labor parties in the united states will probably mean more to the ma jor importance during 1955 our 0 ur gov government overn ment was founded upon the be lief that free enterprise was the only way to develop a well organized democratic system of government to in simple words this union will in all probability bring security to over fifty million people in this country representing over one third of the entire population A security of this type will cause immunity to isms and totalitarian types of eions that thrive in poor labor con dillons in the words of george mea ny president of the american fed aeration of labor this is most prop erly illustrated there will be established in our country a mighty working force im lin mune to subversion and vigilant in its loya lity no other free union in the world enjoys such buletin built in pro lection for democracy several leaders of the republican party still firmly believe that pres ident eisenhower Elsen hower will run again this year they have stated that his hea ith although not perfect will enable him to carry out his duties as pres ident of the united states addal stevenson remains in the lead thus far winning over many of the farm votes with his new now pro posed farm program democrats have found they say that the re publican party has deliberately over looked the needs and welfare of the farmers it may sound impious to say as much but it does seem rather obvious |