Show folks around T town own by mrs E 8 simonson mrs mm lelnd tidwell y with ith her son bobbie bobble for tuson an zona from where she will proceed to norfolk california to visit with the family of her brother ralph wolfe she expects to be away for about two weeks bobbie was home for the christmas vacation from his air base at marana arizona mr and mrs roy blue announce the marriage of their daughter lu cille to nelson chavers son of mr and mrs john chavers of arkan sas gas the couple were married by bishop darrell ross at the family home on december 22 at 8 P M in the presence of the immediate fam fain ily and a few friends the water and sewer bond issue went over almost per cent th ere were only three votes against the water bond and five against the sewer this m week eek ushers in the start of league basketball north emery will play on friday of this week on saturday they will play a return game with dove creek colo whom they defeated in an earlier game judging of the school songs that have been submitted will take place this week and will be presented later to the public for final judging young people home for the hoh holi days all returned to their colleges the first of the week ila mae tid well barbara marsing and bonneta thompson to B Y U jimmy dean to U S A C bonnie and robert wilson to U of utah olive seely and ed ward hansen to carbon college and frank tidwell returned to teaching in murray bess humes daughter daughter of mrs humes of riverton utah was mar ned ried at aztec new mexico on dec ember to jimmy they will make their home in green riv I 1 er having purchased the property formerly owned by mrs lloyd sear son miss una gillies returned to pan duitch with her sister mrs rhoda thompson and niece dixie after they spent christmas at the gillies home in green river 00 mr and mrs mr lee smith are the parents of a baby girl born on wed of last week lewis alien allen has hag been in the price hospital for several days having suffered a recurrence of an ailment he re cleved in korea mrs leroy dennison was in the price hospital several days last week suffering from a throat mr and mrs carlisle gibbons anti daughter spent christmas with his parents the cecil gibbons cecil is employed at nevada with the consolidated mining co gary anderson and douglas giles attended the performance of the nutcracker ballet at kingsbury hall while they were visiting in m salt lake city last week john jones spent christmas and a short vacation with mr and mrs george rich in monrovia calif among others spending spendina christmas here hero u were e lir I 1 if d mrs D don andr son of f salt lake LA at the 0 1 ander son home mr and mrs lee christ iansen lansen and family of clearfield and mr and mrs leroy bell and family of montrose colorado at the dorian chri S home mrs shirley snyder and family at the home of her mother mrs thurza mcdougal W 0 bickmore and wife stopped over briefly at the 0 K anderson home on monday on their way to phoenix for the next couple of mon mr and mrs M E peterson sp ent the new year holiday at the home of their son bill in toole jackie ross wife and two child ren came in from sherman texas where jack has been stationed and spent the holidays visiting relatives in green river he will be stat stationed ione d at tucson when he returns he is a jet pilot in the U S air force mr and mrs roy blue relieved reci eved a surprise call from their son clar ence on december here but it was december in japan wh ere clarence was calling from he is in the navy and has eight months more to serve they reported that the reception was as clear as if the call had been made from a surround ing town mrs margaret johnston of long beach california is spending sev eral weeks at the home of her bro ther john folsom harold anderson went to salt lake last week to purchase a pick up truck to replace the one smashed in the wreck he had a month or so ago go kent johnson sustained an eye in jury U ry last week while doing a welding job it is not considered very serious mr and mrs chester curtis and family of fountain green were new year s visitors at the wallace curt aises mr and mrs norman lowe had as new year guests mr and mrs wesley bauer of cedar city mrs alger of parowan carowan mr and mrs boyd pettey and mr and mrs wm win burgess of bf hiawatha the lowe s also gave a new years party for twelve couples mr and mrs howard basler and their daughters linda jean and lana joan spent the christmas holidays at the home of mrs basler s parents mr and mrs oscar norris in ever ett washington |