Show NA jock ADS 13 a s WHERE MORE PEOPLE DO 90 MORE BUYING AND AN SELLING FOR RENT CLEAN modern rooms by week or month very reasonable rates kitchenettes for cooking if desired phone uranium motel APT FOR RENT inquire at north apartment in green building in back of mobile service station 1 tp tele sec see and steno work see max ine forkner phone ftp LOST one red ladies laches wallet friday night at the arbon cafe finder please call 2591 reward 1 tp WANTED A good second hand sad die dle contact mr edwin wilcox ph 2161 2 tp FOR SALE new two bedroom ho home me located directly across from new school building 12 square feet lot size 75 x feet 13 or 15 completely furnished see malcolm or call 2481 WANTED WAITRESS at the arbon tan k tor OR RENT cabin also trailer spaces service and wash rooms 30 00 shady rest motor court ftp rays tavern a V e B beer e e r C candies a n d I 1 e es s C cigarettes I 1 g a re t t e s 3 3 3 j pool tables 4 f booths t h asfor for ladi ladies es 3 phone 2751 green river 3 8 8 I 1 I 1 LA NITE N I 1 T E PLUMBING AND HEATING your friendly plumber located next to the arbon cafe I 1 phone green river utah FRANKLIN VACCINES supplies J i protect protect A against gains t livestock loss by the use of franklin products T the he right FRANKLIN product at the right time can prevent a large share of the losses that too often rob the stockman of his hard earned profits broadway fountain and sundries headquarters for ves U tes tp FRANKLIN protective products green river utah sho shopping aping st starts opp J IN THE E PA PAGES OF this newspaper COMPLETE AUTO INSURANCE 15 protection with FARMERS saves you money prompt on the spot po CLAIMS SERVICE FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE L 0 K KANDERSON ANDERSON your pioneer insurance agent phone 2051 green river utah D gas t ME U oil 1 d 6 s butane butan ross service tire parts accessories Access orie prompt courteous service BUS DEPOT green alyer utah ft E REMINGTON ROYAL SMITH CORONA OLYMPIA START THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR RIGHT the best place to buy your portable typewriter is from your local office equipment dealer I 1 only service in eastern utah 2 1 year service guarantee 3 rent a new machine 6 00 per month three months rental may be applied to purchase 0 4 10 00 type table only 10 with the purchase of a new portable typewriter g 6 high trade in allowance on your old typewriter 5 liberal terms demonstration in your home at no obligation phone office equipment co complete office supplies v west main price utah 0 ag I 1 best place to check UP on your progress is in the pages of your sav ings bankbook that s where you can write your success story with regular weekly debows the first national bank of price price utah stat ft ff tt artt YOUR nEws papi FIGHTS F FOR YOUR RIGHT TO RHOID J with fuller paints points come in and see the new color schemes HARDWARE DRY GOODS GROCERIES fresh meats fresh milk work clothes blankets pipe plumbing supplies GREEN RIVER mercantile modern self S service phone 2721 TRY aulk BETTER DRY OASIS MOTEL PURDY BARBER SHOP agents in green river PRICE P I 1 STEAM LAUNDRY phone Pric eUtah watch for opening of our new plant in green river BUILDING a MATERIALS ROSS LUMBER COMPANY butane bottles filled phone 2188 complete line of groceries 8 t |