Show soil S 0 i I 1 conservation C 0 n s e r v a t i 0 n news N aws by kenneth william williams this is the time of year when we should begin making serious plans for our farming operation next sum mer its going to take some wise and careful planning for the farm er to improve his situation in 1956 commercial fertilizers should be considered carefully in planning for next year generally commercial fertilizers are recommended for all crops grown in green river corn and irrigated pastures require large amounts of nitrogen for good yields alfalfa is a heavy user of phosphate in planning for 1956 you should decide about how much mu ch fertilizer you can afford to buy then decide where and when you can apply your fertilizer so it will do the most good one of our test plots on delbert tidwell tidwells s farm last summer yielded a prophet of about five times the cost of the fertilizer the right a mount of fertilizer in the right corn com is very important in achiel ing profitable yields either ray finch emery county agent or I 1 will be happy to help you plan your fertilizer program for 1956 drop us a card if you think we can help you remember a well balanced heal thy soil produces healthy well bal alced food which will feed healthy people and maintain a healthy nat ion we fellows who ho work with the soil conservation service hope that we can assist you to enjoy a more pros berous 1956 and 1999 |